Land of confusion in My Unpredictable Life ...

  • March 4, 2014, 10:13 p.m.
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Someone want to do a math problem for me? I totally suck at math. Totally. So it is no surprise that the below "problem" makes absolutely no sense to me. None. I'm clueless. So can one of you help a Sassy out?

Here goes:

How does an employee not show up for work and when she is called about it she says, "Well my copy of the schedule doesn't say I am working."

Granted, when she made the copy of the schedule, it was still a rough draft, but was then completed, well over a week ago. As of this past Thursday, when she worked last, she was on the schedule to work 3-11 today (Monday).

So instead of coming in to work, she tells Tami that she will not in fact come in to work today. Forcing Tami to call Ruth in to cover the shift.

Dafuq? Who does that? It was Shelia's responsibility to make sure she had a current copy of the schedule when she left work Friday morning. Just as it is my responsibility, and Ruth's responsibility, and Jimena's responsibility. We were hired to do a job, to show up for said job, when we are scheduled to show up.

Now the copy Shelia made of the schedule was left blank for the 3-11 shift because Tami was waiting for confirmation from Ruth & Jimena that they could NOT work that shift. They have such differing schedule needs due to their college and sports activities. Sometimes, they wait till the last minute [read: day before] to inform Tami of a schedule change. However, Shelia has worked the past 3 Monday's, for the 3-11 shift and is scheduled for the next 3 Monday's, 3-11 shift.

How do you not ask about a blank shift on the schedule? Granted, I'm OCD. I think differently than the normal/average person. It would occur to me to ask if I am working that shift or not. I make it a point to check the schedule before I leave when I am off for 3 or 4 days in a row to double check when I am due back in.

How do you tell your boss that you won't be coming in to cover the shift? How do you still have a job after telling your boss you won't come in to cover the shift?

Because if it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have any at all, so I know that Shelia will continue to be rewarded with weekends off and more scheduled hours than me. Because that is how favoritism works around here. Doesn't matter that you have to be baby sat during a shift to make sure you don't fall asleep on the job. Doesn't matter that you continue to leave rooms off the housekeeping list therefore causing said guest to not get clean towels, therefore causing the evening desk clerk to bear their anger, because the Manager couldn't be bothered to double check behind you to make sure everyone who needed to be on the list, was actually on the list. Doesn't matter that you have the personality of a hermit crab and the guests feel compelled to bring you Visine because none of us has yet to see you without red, blood shot eyes.

Doesn't matter that I do everything right, I've been here months longer, Shelia will still be rewarded for my hard work and effort.

Just 4 more months. Just 4 more months and then I am free of this place.

Looks like Tami is working the audit shift on Friday night and Saturday night. I have to have Friday night off due to having to leave at 6 am on Saturday morning for the karate tournament. Shelia is supposedly going to be out of town on Sat & Sun and Jimena can only work 3pm - 8pm on Fri & has to be off on Sat for her cheer leading schedule. Ruth is already working 3-11 both days. Apparently when Tami called Shelia to find out why she hadn't shown up for work, she asked Shelia to work Fri 11pm - 7 am since she only requested Sat & Sun off & not Friday also. Apparently Shelia told her no. So Tami will work audit shift both nights, and I guess Joleen will work 7 - 3 both days by herself, God help us all.


I want to offer to work Saturday night so bad because that is who I am, how I am ... I come to the aid when needed. It's the curse I bear for having such strong work ethics, not to mention it would be an extra 7 hours on the pay check. We will be back from the karate tournament in time for me to come in to work at 11 pm & work all night. I might be extremely exhausted, but it would be 7 hours instead of 8 because of the time change.

But ...

BUT ...

I can't allow myself to do that because that only gives them permission to continue to do me wrong.

If Tami wants to ask me herself if I could please help them out by working Saturday night, then it will cost her. I'm tired of being "Mrs. Nice Sassy", bending over backwards to help them out only to be screwed for the effort.

So, since I'm already well aware that you in fact won't be willing to give me weekends off to spend with my family, and you won't be willing to bring me back up to my 4 days a week, every week, there is no point in us having this discussion Tami. Thank you but no thanks. When you are ready to deal with me, on my terms, then we can talk. Until then, enjoy the weekend night audit!

Hubby almost got a black eye this morning. He had the nerve to get mad at me because I didn't leave myself enough time to shovel snow on my side of the driveway before going in to work last night, therefore leaving ice tracks when he tried to clear the driveway this morning.

Mother Trucker let's just get one thing straight, you were off all day yesterday. I was busy trying to sleep because I had worked the night before and had to go back in to work that night. So EFF you! The snow had stopped early evening, leaving you plenty of time to run out there and do it before I left for work. So hell no, I refuse to shovel the driveway, especially when I have to go to work. You don't like me leaving ice tracks behind, then be my guest & shovel the driveway. My fat ass shovels snow enough at work, eff you very much! My job is the inside of the house, your's is the outside. That was the rule YOU made way back when (when you were only having to cut grass twice a month for 5 months out of the year while I got stuck with ALL the housework by myself, all year long.)

Gah! Pisses me off all over again just remembering this morning.

I won't be here on Tuesday night. I will be training at the sister property to get the lay of the land since I will now be working audit there every Tuesday. I'm not even going to bother bringing my laptop. I'll get caught up on everyone on Wednesday evening, after dinner. So y'all try not to write too much so I won't be overwhelmed lol.

Till next time ....

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