updates and things in --

  • Feb. 19, 2014, 5:57 a.m.
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  • Public

I wish I could go back to sleep. I got up at 10. It's almost 11am and Cannon is still asleep. He went to bed at 9.30 last night, so he has slept a long time. I hope he goes to bed at a decent time tonight, I'm already tired. I have class tonight too. I didn't go last night because I was too tired and stressed from looking for houses to rent all day.

Yesterday was Jacob's birthday and the poor guy had to rental hunt. He's 28 now, so he doesn't feel like he has to have a "fun" birthday anyway, but screw that! It's your birthday, dude! We actually celebrated on Saturday with his parents. We went to the casino (I stayed in the hotel room with Cannon, Alyssa, and Jacob's mom because I was not about to innundate my gestating child with plumes of cigarette smoke). We had dinner there and then I took Alyssa to the arcade for awhile. Jacob and his dad played blackjack and Jacob won $300. That doesn't normally happen for him!

Anyway. Yesterday we didn't find ANYTHING to rent except for a townhouse that is in a complex of other townhouses... I'm really disappointed because I didn't want to go back to apartment living after finally finding a nice house with a privacy fenced yard to rent. This place has no yard. But it does have more square footage. We got a six-month lease and it will be move-in ready by this weekend, so we are going to try to move some things. I'm not very happy, but I'm trying to be positive. It's difficult though. I like this location and everything a lot better.

I hate moving.

Here is more news. Jacob and I decided that we can afford for me to get a breast augmentation after I'm done breastfeeding bub #2 and stuff. I want to get a job first, but I'm really excited... I never thought I'd want plastic surgery but after having a baby and breastfeeding and gaining and losing weight my boobs look... bad. I went from a 34B to a 34F to a 34D. They are salvageable though. I'd prefer them smaller than the size they are now, but the important thing for me is that they are PERKY again. I can't wait to feel sexy naked again. :( I feel so bleh now. It's really put a damper on our sex life. We're finally starting to have more sex, but I know that after I have this kid and have weight to lose, I'm going to feel horrible again. I hate my body and I just want my old one back. I am going to hit the treadmill and ab workouts hard after this one.

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