More stress! hooray! in --

  • Feb. 26, 2014, 9:22 p.m.
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This week has been insanely crazy and stressful.

Today I took my sister to the dentist, hoping that we wouldn't get bad news... well, she needs a root canal. $2,500. I don't know what we are going to do. I don't want to pull the tooth, because she's only 14 and has enough self-esteem issues as it is. My mom wants me to pull the tooth because it's "cheaper." Okay, but yeah, I'm not doing that.

We were going to go on a trip for spring break, but that's probably out of the question now. I'm really disappointed. I needed a vacation.

This is why preventative care is really important. And my mom hasn't taken her to the dentist in... years and years, even when my sister has been telling her that she has bad tooth pain. It would have been much cheaper to take her to the dental clinic where my mom lives, because I know they have sliding scale cost based on income. Plus, dental insurance isn't that expensive. My mom pays for cable, but she could be paying for dental insurance instead. Neither one of my sisters has gone to the dentist more than once, and it pisses me off.

Sorry, I'm really irritated. Super angry, even.


I bought a box of Twinkies because I'm so stressed about the surgery, the move, and now this. I normally try not to buy that kind of crap, but it's better than smoking cigarettes and something. Yuck.

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