A Tsunami of Bullshit in Dancing Along the Edge

  • Feb. 15, 2014, 1:40 a.m.
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Man, what a fucking day it was.

It started off well enough...I woke up at a reasonable time (well, reasonable for me anyway.) It was one of those rare bursts of energy days. By 4:00 this afternoon I had done the dishes, cleaned and changed the litter box, vacuumed, got 3 large bags of garbage hauled out to the dumpster and made both meringue cookies (which came out perfectly, I might add) and puppy chow. One of my sponsees came over at 5:00 for our weekly get-together. We left for our regular AA meeting at 6:15.

One the way there, I got pulled over for speeding. Fuck me to tears. It was taking the cop forever to run my info and write the ticket, so I shut my car engine off in order to save gas. When he was finally done, I tried to start my car again and the battery was dead. Fuck, fuck, fuck. Officer Friendly informed me that they weren't allowed to jump the batteries of stranded motorists. I guess that doesn't fall under the catagory of "to serve and protect." I told him I'd make some calls and he left. Unfortunately, almost everyone I called was already at the meeting and had their cell phones off (standard practice.) I finally got in touch with Stefanie. Neither she nor I had jumper cables, much less know anything about jumping a battery. So, I called for a tow and she came to pick me up. Let me tell ya, sitting in a car without a working heater for a half hour when it is a balmy 15 degrees out gets just a bit chilly. Thank God there was at least enough juice left in my battery to charge my cell phone, because that it was about to die too.

Anyway, Stefanie arrived, and we headed out. About a mile later, I realized I had left my cell phone in the car, still on the charger. Great. So, back we headed. Then she took me to get smokes and diet Dr. Pepper, being that I was dangerously low on both...and believe me, you do NOT want to be within 10 miles of me when I am lacking either. (Is anyone else besides me convinced that they put crack in Dr. Pepper? Seriously, that shit is addicting.) After we finished shopping, Stef treated me to dinner...our offical Anti-Valentines Day dinner, since we both pretty much hate the holiday. Nothing fancy...soup, burgers and fries, but it was all quite good. Afterwards, she dropped me off and I sent her home with cookies and puppy chow, since I made enough of each to feed a third world country, and she loves my baking/cooking skills. I must admit, I am pretty damn good at it if I say so myself.

I watched a movie (Can't Hardly Wait, one of my favs) and now here I am.

I realized something tonight...being here on Prosebox has inspired me to start writing again. Maybe I just got too frustrated with Open Diary and the constant clusterfucks there. Hmmmmm. I'm slowly learning my way around. Being that I am what I refer to as a Techno-Tard, this could take a little while. I am really liking the respond to comments feature, though.

Anyway, Dear Readers, it's getting late and my bed is calling to me. Stay safe and warm.

Until later...

cheesyemoheart February 15, 2014

I started writing again because of ProseBox, too! And the respond to comments thing makes everything so much easier than OpenDiary did.

Deleted user February 15, 2014

Your day went about as well as mine :-) sweet Dreams !

Ferret Mom February 15, 2014

That sucks. Especially because your day started off well.

cannibalgirl February 15, 2014

I know about car troubles...and getting pulled over. Both SUCK.

Jaebella February 15, 2014

I'm glad you managed to have a decent day despite the ticket and battery issues!

Deleted user February 16, 2014

I was on OD for eight years but I don't know for sure if we read each other or not. If not, it's a pleasure to find you here !

The Diva of Dorks Deleted user ⋅ February 16, 2014

glad to have found you here too! :o)

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