Just...Pfft. in That Coming of Age Story

  • Feb. 28, 2014, 5:27 p.m.
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So today was not a very good day. I had to wake up early as hell so I could study for my stats test. It was horrible. I was basically falling asleep while trying to retain information. I have had so many tests this week that I haven't had time to focus on just one thing.

I go in to take the test and I am just feeling shitty because I feel like I bombed it. I made a C on the damn thing. That just ruined my mood. I go to my next and last class of the day which is psych 318. I really don't like it. I am just bored of it. We talk about our research papers for the first 35 minutes and the rest of the time we design practice experiments with a group we are assigned to. I hate group work so that just pissed me off even more.

I finally leave and think that my day is over and I can just sleep the rest of the time and not talk to anyone. Nope I get more bad news. I have an spss assignment for psych due next Tuesday and I have to work on my booklet for sociology and I have to study for a quiz next Monday for geology. Ugh and this is my spring break mind you.

And we go on to the rest of my day. I had to go and talk to my landlords to tell them that I won't be living here next year. I thought that they would give me a break about signing a lease for next year but they didn't. They said I had to pay $200 to get out of the lease and I had to find someone to take over my lease...or else I would have to still pay here next year. Just fuck man! Oh and not to mention when I tried to get out of the car to pay my rent today I rip my pants from knee to crotch! My friends were laughing and yes it was kind of funny, but dammit I can't catch a break today!

I paid my rent after I changed my pants and now I am here trying to just relax. I can't because I just keep thinking about all the shit I have due when class starts back.

I just can't get a break. I just want to slow down for a minute. Just not have anything to do or worry about. And to think that when I was younger I wished for the day when I could be independent.

Fuck college life!

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