What am I doing? in The Common Room

  • Feb. 27, 2014, 5:05 p.m.
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To me -- not much. According to daughters,-- lots. I am at home, still, for a couple more days, have a daughter here. Twenty days ago, my blood pressurre tanked and I flat-lined. One doctor told kids to call hoapice. Another agreed to help because little daughter would not give up, although I wanted her to. I had two thoracic surgeries (lung)

Today, I walk to the bathroom and back. I walk to the table for meals, but cannot make them yet. I did pare and bake three pears in the microwave, but had to sit to pare them. I have managed to learn a new way of calculating to go with a new insulin.and have used my computer to make a usable list to keep track of 15 different meds. I can now fill my pill cases and take then safely myself.

I sometimes panic at how little strength I have and the fact that I cannot coplete small tasks( I seem to have lost most of my ability to use my left hand) Soon the children must return to their lives and I MUST cope.

I'm swollen all over, which restricts movement. I've just finished the antibiotics for septic lung , but still healing from the this and frrom the inflamation. Taking many meds for heart, which was damaged by septic lung. Have had 1 cancer treatmetn. I will have one a month for 6 month ans then evaluate. I am on oxygen because of the Malt Lymphoma. . I needed to feel strong and bold, which Is not natural ro me, so I did something a little strange. Second day home, I got my husband to get his barber to come to the house and cut my hair. My hair has not been cut in 50 years. I just cut off a bit of the braid once in a while.

When I say cut, I mean CUT! One inch, mostly. Up and back. Spiked on top. I don't care how anyone thinks it looks -- It's freakin' wonderful!

I laugh every time I see it.. .. .. Hair was donated.

.. ..

.. I'm also laughing thst I've spent an hour trying to get that last picture turned. Phooey on it. Later

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