Sunshine + pictures in Just in Case

  • Feb. 15, 2014, 6:09 p.m.
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It has been a GORGEOUS day today! It's hard to believe that just a few days ago everything was frozen. I stayed outside in the sunshine for quiet a while. Not doing much, just puttering around and then reading in the sunshine for a while. I, of course, took some pictures to share. These first two are shadow pictures, in honor of Terri. :) I look at shadows differently because of you. The first one isn't great, it's the lattice on the carport. The second, I just loved the long, straight shadow going across the driveway.  photo DSC05460_zps0b3d08f7.jpg


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Just a couple of shots of things that caught my eye: My favorite view of the sky is through the limbs of a tree:  photo DSC05463_zps0438d23e.jpg

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My lightning tree. Still making scary noises in the wind:  photo DSC05471_zpsd5ac990e.jpg

An old brick from the house that used to be here when I was a kid:  photo DSC05465_zps00566b08.jpg

I now have a "kitty window shade" on my front window. The blinds were already in bad shape when I moved in. I don't know if it was a kid, cat, or dog, but they were close to breaking. Of course nosy butt finished them off a couple of years ago. I put the paper up afte rI watched a scary movie one night and was convinced I saw someone looking in through the gaping hole. (Ok, not gapinit's about a 4 X 6 opening). So here's Lizzie in the window, then I tried to get one of her looking at me, to show the guilty party. It took a few shots to get one. lol  photo DSC05474_zps2f34e1a0.jpg

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The sweet "who me???" face:  photo DSC05483_zpsa47af9b2.jpg

terriberri February 15, 2014

how cool!!! i love that i've turned someone onto shadows...they are so awesome! thank you!

we are on the same wavelength today with shotting the sky thru tree branches, as you will see when you get to my entry, lol.

Small Town Girl February 16, 2014

Bahahahaha I love the one where she is showing her teeth! Pretty! I love the sky through trees as well!

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