A Better Idea in The Stuff That's Not Interesting But Is The Most Interesting Stuff I'll Write
- Feb. 1, 2019, 5:34 p.m.
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- Public
I was halfway through a REALLY boring entry and I just decided, fuck that, I’ll do a survey.
Get to know me.
A) What does the last text you sent say? And to whom?
“These creepy old men keep hovering over me so I can’t send you a dick pic” to my online Irish boyfriend.
B) What does the last text you recieved say? And from whom?
It was a photograph of a private nature from the aforementioned Irish gentleman.
C) What time do you wake up most mornings?
D) Are you afraid of walking alone at night?
Lol no, in fact, people have told me that I should. But I’ve had people attempt to mug me and witnessed a shooting, so I’m HYPER aware when I walk at night and I know what I’m getting into.
E) What do you do to relax at the end of a stressful day?
Golden Girls or masturbate.
F) Where did your last kiss take place and with whom?
Umm I secretly kissed my friend’s roommate when he wasn’t looking because my friend doesn’t know that I fucked him right after he moved in.
G) Do/did you get into trouble a lot at school?
No, I did plenty of bad things but I covered my tracks so well they never found out.
H) Do you enjoy your job? If unemployed, are you content being so?
I’m working my ass off to find a job.
I) Do you often pick up on double entendres and innuendos?
I make most of them.
J) Have you ever been offered drugs but declined?
Yes. Plenty of times, especially when I was younger. But now that I’m older, I go with the flow.
K) Have you ever met someone who has completely altered your way of thinking?
Several people. They were all amazing.
L) Have you ever been offered drugs and accepted?
I think I kind of already answered this.
M) Tell us something weird that turns you on.
Nothing that turns me on is particularly weird, although most people think I’m crazy for loving foreskin.
N) When did someone last admit romantic or sexual feelings for you? Was the feeling mutual?
Ha… well, I guess that would be Fernando and it was until he went all crazy on me.
O) What is something you have given a lot of thought to lately?
I have given a lot of attention to my move to Seattle, especially through the use of Tarot.
P) When did you last swallow your beliefs to avoid an argument or confrontation?
That’s a daily occurrence with my family.
Q) Do you usually initiate hugs?
Absolutely not.
R) Are you a very affectionate person?
I am, but not to people I don’t trust.
S) Can you roll your own cigarettes?
What a random question, but yes.
T) What are you looking forward to?
Being away from here. But this is a long road if I’m going to do it right.
U) Do you have any tattoos. Do you want any/more?
I have 4 and I have 16 more planned.
V) Are you mentally strong?
I used to think so, but now I’m realizing that it’s actually my weakness.
W) Are you physically strong?
X) Do you think you’re a good person?
This is a loaded question. I think I was a good person who gave so much that it made me turn into someone that only thought about himself because I was getting used and dismissed too often.
Y) Name one thing you wish you could change about your life right now.
I’d like to be healthy even more than I would like to be away from my family.
Z) What do you usually eat for breakfast?
Egg whites and my medicine.
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