Vomitando... and Celebrity Pic Heavy in Book Six: Trying to Hold On 2019
- April 25, 2019, 4:22 p.m.
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Nala… is not learning some important lessons.
We are always trying to get her to eat LESS wood chips!! We know she’s teething, we know she enjoys sticks… we give her ice cubes and chew toys and all sorts of things to try to curb her “Tiny Sticks To Digest!” desire. It isn’t working. She keeps eating the wood chips. All the time. And this morning? I found three piles of wood chips on the bedroom floor. Not wood chips brought in by Nala to chew on… wood chips thrown up by Nala. This isn’t “Oh, poor dear. She threw up. Are those wood chips in there?” No no no. This is straight up group of wood chips that look like they hit the stomach, congealed into a unified mass, and was then vomited out. We had been hoping that she would grow out of this… or learn not to do this… or that the vet would see it as a sign of some illness we could fix. But so far? She’s just… this way. I don’t mind telling you it is a bit frustrating. Both as someone who wants Nala to be healthy and as someone who doesn’t wish to see his carpets continually vomited upon.
Not surprisingly… woke up with a duality conundrum. On one hand, I wish I could have slept more and felt more rested. On the other hand, I wish I could have woken up earlier so I’d have some bloody alone time and maybe take care of a physical need that’s been neglected. But the truth is… instead… I woke up in that annoying sweet spot in the middle that says Too late for alone time, too early for well rested, just right to go to work.
At work? Boss is surprised that, even though District Court “wasn’t sure if they’d scheduled a judge for our ONE court date for the next two months”(!!)… it appears that one of the Defendants is gearing up for trial. SOoOoOoO.... that’s weird but something to factor. Because if there is a trial for that day… my Tuesday goes from “almost nothing” to “covering the boss at 10 hearings.” So… a noteworthy swing.
A “present sense” statement so a timestamp to accompany it: 8:52 a.m.: I am very hungry. This surprises me as I don’t often feel truly hungry so I wonder if it is that thirst that disguises itself as hunger. There are still 3 hours before I can consume any food so I will have to hope it is thirst.
Today at work already seems very much like a… well, to discuss it colorfully… a Goal Tending Day. Basically, I’m sat at the desk waiting for the phone to ring, the e-mail to buzz, the sky to fall. Because it always does and for too many, the first phone call is Attorney. A child missed school… call the government attorney! I got a ticket for speeding… call the government attorney! My ex husband isn’t sending child support… call the government attorney. The convenience store ran out of milk… call the government attorney. So between that and the three Indictments I need to sign, that is what I anticipate for the rest of the day. Goal Tending. And lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of phone calls needing Goal Tending.
With that being the case… let’s do weird random stuff on here for now.
Like… check facebook which is always a dumpster fire :( My misogynistic Trump-worshiping racist cousin has found a new cause! Apparently, there is a “movement”(?) or randomly grouped loud section of people who believe that all government offices should have the Natural Born Citizen Requirement for office. In other words, they believe that no individual should hold Public Office unless they were born on United States soil. I disagree for many reasons (for example, I think in order to be in CHARGE of Immigration Services, one should have a familiarity with Immigration Services) but lets pretend that this is a genuine, intelligent idea driven by legitimate policy concerns. The follow up retort would be: You still don’t believe Obama was a natural born citizen. So the whole thing, when taken together with your continuing nonsensical and racist Birther bullshit kind of outs this entire scheme as yet another way you and your White Pride Idiot Friends are trying to “secure America from inferior races” and it shows that the whole concept is a thinly veiled attempt to prevent non-Whites from gaining any political power.
Turning to the news, now, I will place THIS LINK to a BBC “Heart Beat Bill Anti_Abortion” story. I won’t share “without comment” but I will attempt to keep my comments limited. In college, I was extraordinarily conservative. Very Conservative. And as Pro-Life as I was comfortable being. Because I believed then (and believe now) that the world is filled with people who refuse to face consequences for their choices. So some choose to have unprotected sex… and then don’t wish to face the consequences for that choice. TRUE STORY: I was friends with a girl in High School who had a latex allergy… abortion was her birth control! She had three of them in 5 years. I’m still opposed (strongly) to abortion BEING YOUR BIRTH CONTROL METHOD. BUT… even at my most conservative and pro-life… Iowa passed/attempted to pass an Anti-Abortion Bill that I found fucking disgusting and unethical. The bill would require a pregnant woman to have the child under all circumstances. Think that one through. Rape was not an exception. Incest was not an exception. The Mother’s Health was not an exception. Even to the point where if it killed the mother, the mother was not allowed to terminate the pregnancy. Even at my most conservative? I was absolutely fucking pissed off. You mean to tell me that Iowa Conservatives don’t give a shit about choice… don’t give a shit about re-victimizing people… and don’t give a shit about if the mother dies?! Are you fucking high?! That is the very definition of “Every child must be born, we don’t give a shit about the child, it simply must be born”. And that kind of thinking is dangerous as hell. Iowa attempted recently to pass one of these Heart Beat Bills. Essentially, stating that abortions would NOT be legally allowed after 6 weeks of pregnancy. Which.... again… screams to me that you’re fucking idiots trying to push an “every birth must happen, but fuck the humans involved under any circumstances” viewpoint. Do you know that many women don’t know they are pregnant 6 weeks after conception? Do you know that the health of the mother in those cases may not be readily ascertained as to whether Mom can survive the pregnancy before 6 weeks? I mean… I’ll be honest… this is why I started identifying as Pro-Choice. Because, as I will continue to say… I believe in a world without Abortions. I believe in creating a world where abortion is considered entirely unnecessary and unwanted. But, like Kamala Harris with the Death Penalty in California… I may want abortion to be considered unnecessary and unwanted… but until we actively work to create a world where it isn’t needed, I don’t think we should simply get rid of it or make it illegal! And these Heart Beat Bills are attempting to do just that. Trying to find new, trickier ways to “get around the Supreme Court” in an effort to make abortions illegal; without doing a damned thing to make a world where abortions aren’t wanted.
Bother… I need to jump to a happier, less serious subject.
According to Pintrest Recommends based on the Photo Series/Sharers/Subjects in the images I tend to prefer..... there are three women who Pintrest thinks are My Type… and, I’ll give it to Pintrest… they all have a similar look… and they all definitely appeal to me.
(1) Claims Irish and Italian Heritage
(2) Of Czech, English, Hungarian, Irish, and Italian descent.
(3) Israeli with Polish-Jewish, Austrian-Jewish, German-Jewish, and Czech-Jewish Ancestry
........................... so no surprises there, actually. Irish, Italian, and Czech are pretty much always on my list of Regions Producing Beautiful Women.
.......... in fact, some of the photos below remind me a great deal of a Czech Model I quite fancy. I don’t know what her proper name is and given the fact that she often pops up on Porn Sites, I’ll not google her from a work computer; but as I know her she goes either by Katie Fey or Jenya D.
Elizabeth Gillies… whom, strangely, I had never heard of nor seen before
Alexandra Daddario… I’ve heard of her work, but I don’t think I’ve actually seen her in anything.
Gal Gadot… obviously I’ve heard of her work. OBVIOUSLY. And I’ve seen her in things… kind of. My displeasure with Warner Brothers and Zack Snyder is so deep that I’ve not actually watched the majority of their DCU Live Action Bullshit. I do wish to see Wonder Woman as I’ve heard that it and Aquaman are acceptable. I simply have not done so yet.
And… as this feels in the same spirit… here is a League Assassin Cosplay from Elder Scrolls Online
As for what my life looks like in the coming hours and days?
Tonight, I hope to call my Aunt about the Hawaii trip to see if we can’t get dates scheduled. Then hopefully walk the dog. And if I’m lucky? Play some video games… maybe. Haven’t actually played in… days? Maybe more?
Friday.... work then driving to Parents. Reinforce some travel habits with the dog, reinforce familiarity with Parents and their home… and Dad could really use Dog time… and we could use some dog babysitters while we have couples counseling and DnD on Saturday.
woman in the moon ⋅ April 25, 2019
You're not a man who liked blondes. How can you stand to watch FoxNews?
Park Row Fallout woman in the moon ⋅ April 25, 2019
It is true but I find it humorous. The two most devastating rejections I got as a kid were from blondes... so I wonder if that just "set the brain" to discount them? lol
I do still occasionally catch some Fox News in an effort to know what my opponents would say and believe and... UF! I'll tell you.... every year it gets harder and harder to watch it and the last few years have been almost impossible! It's like watching an improv troupe scramble to continually try to make their worst performer look The Best while actively trying to destroy the stage all while blaming the audience for the bad performance.
Deleted user ⋅ April 25, 2019
That is a LOT of photos! It would take me HOURS to link that many photos! Is there a faster, secret way of linking photos here in Prosebox that I don't know about? How do you do it? (Pretend I don't know how at all, lol!)
Park Row Fallout Deleted user ⋅ April 26, 2019
I type in the html code and copy/paste... so it had to be a photo already on line.
The html in "word language" is *exclamation point bracket "alt text" bracket open paren Photo Web Address close paren.
alt text
But all on one line.
Deleted user ⋅ April 26, 2019
Rhapsody in Purple ⋅ May 02, 2019
Those are some gorgeous women. I love Liz Gillies on Dynasty. If you like some trash tv, I recommend it.
Until recently, Ireland had abortion laws that did result in women dying. I’m anti abortion but I think we need to consider some of the reasons why women choose that option and give more support. So many pro life people I know, have such little regard for people and are racist and sexist and bigoted in other ways. I don’t know how they can claim to be pro life while supporting such oppressive ideas in other aspects of life.