It has been a while in New Diary

  • March 1, 2014, 5:01 a.m.
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Well I am sticking to my guns about not smoking. I haven't had a cigarette since last Saturday. I'm going pretty good with that department. How am I going to do it> I got sick as a dog. Last Saturday I was coughing my fool head off. I should have gone to the hospital then but I kept putting in off hoping that I could wait until after the first of the month. But Monday morning the condition got worse and I new I had to go to the er. I called my gf Monday morning and she came to help me get ready. Then we called 911 and waited for the ambulance. My destination was Weirton Medical Center. I was admitted after waiting in the er for about two or three hours.

I pretty good hospital stay. The only problem was they switched my psych meds around. I take this one med in the evening and it helps me sleep. They gave it to me in the morning. I told them about it but to no avail. Consequently, I didn't get a lot of sleep in four days. I was starting to get to be a basket case. Besides that it was Friday and I was worried about getting transportation home, getting to the back, getting my meds and paying my bills. But I was stuck in the hospital Doctor must have thought I was getting better He released me. I was about to make it downstairs] in time for the 10 am bus home.

I still had to go out that day. I saw my when I got home. We were glad to see each other. Wee talked and I said I still had to get out of the building and to the bank. I ne3eded to get my meds. I thought I could get this one frind of our to take me but he wasn't available. I had to get my meds so in bitter cold weather I took the bus down to Cove and Main. I walked to the bank and got my check and money order my rent. I went to the library returned my long over due books and went to the city building for a bus pass. Then I walked to Krogers where I got my meds. Best part of that deal was no charge! I walked to the bus stop by the library and waited for the bus home. I didn't have long to wait.

I was pretty tired when I got home yesterday afternoon. I saw my gf. I thought it would be a good idea to order pizza from Papa Johns. We did that and talked while waiting for the pizza. WE both had three pizzas and then I talked about my time in the hospital. They treated me pretty good except for switching my meds around. I told her about the new meds I was on and we talked about going to Wal Mart today. I got to get some groceries before the big snow hits us.

After supper I went home and went to bed. It sure felt good sleeping at night and in my own apartment. I was so frigging happy to get home.

7:26am I have to go out again today. I need to put money my Wal Mart Debit card so I can pay some bills. I have to take the 9:02 am bus. I'm not looking forward to going out. It is very cold and I don't need to be out in weather like this. But I can stand inside WM while waiting for the bus plus get a few things I need. It will not be so bad. Buses run about every hour and I will not have long to wait after taking care of business. Then it is home and for some much needed rest.

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