Because chic chat made me! in My Unpredictable Life ...

  • Feb. 16, 2014, 5:46 p.m.
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I did a favorites only entry yesterday, complete with 2 video's LOL. The first video, women will cry tears over because they understand it. The men will cry tears of frustration and want to know "why would he do this to us?" The second video is of The Child.

Aside from that, I am fixing to head to bed since I have to work all night. In the meantime, enjoy this survey I did ...

Do you have any scars? I have quite a few. Some are from "tripping over my own feet on a flat surface" but most are from my childhood.

Have you ever had a secret admirer? To my knowledge, no.

Are you a good liar? Nope. But I am a good bullshitter! LOL

Are you a good judge of character? For the most part. It comes in handy when dealing with the guests at work because just from checking in a guest, I can tell if they are going to be difficult or not during their stay. I'm right about 95% of the time.

Can you do any other accents other than your own? I can barely do my own accent lol

Do you have a strong accent? If I'm not paying attention, yes. I try to keep it toned down at work or when dealing with the general public.

What is your favorite accent? As long as they speak with common sense, I could care less.

What is your personality? Fun. I spent so much of my early years miserable and I won't go back to that. I love to laugh. I love to have a fun time. If that's not you, go away.

What is your most expensive piece of clothing? Hmmmm. Most of my clothes are bought on clearance racks so even though something may have originally been x amount of dollars, in reality I only paid a small fraction of that price. I treat my $5 items the same as I would if I spent $100 because as long as you take good care of your stuff, it will last longer.

Can you curl your tongue? I guess?

Are you an innie or an outie? I was born an innie

Left or right handed? right but can write just as well with my left.

Are you scared of spiders? only those that are alive

Favorite food? uhm, I love just about all food in general LOL

Favorite foreign food? Greek, Indian/Tandoori, Chinese, Japanese, Mexican, Italian

Are you a clean or messy person? I am a neat freak. I'm very OCD about it.

Most used phrased? sigh --- it really says a lot! LOL

Most used word? Dude, seriously?

How long does it take for you to get ready? For work: about a hour and a half Non-work: 5 minutes lol

Do you have much of an ego? Nope. My childhood made sure of that.

Do you suck or bite lollipops? In general, I don't eat lollipops. I have a horrible gag reflex and prevents that. If I do happen to have one, it is one of those tiny Dum Dum ones.

Do you talk to yourself? All.the.damn.time.

Do you sing to yourself? All.the.damn.time.

Are you a good singer? Nope. Well, maybe back in the day when I was part of a traveling Christian Quartet but I'm so out of vocal shape it isn't even funny (or easy to listen to!)

Biggest Fear? Most of my fears have already came to light. I learned early on to not have fear because people loved to exploit my fears. Now I give them nothing to exploit.

Are you a gossip? Well, I guess you could say I am. I love gossip as much as the next person does. Especially when it ISN'T about me. If I am NOT told to not say anything, then I "share the love". But if someone tells me not to repeat it, then it will go to the grave with me. But you have to be specific! You have to tell me to keep my big mouth shut! LOL

Best dramatic movie you've seen? Gone with the Wind.

Do you like long or short hair? For me personally, I look better with long hair. For anyone else, whatever floats their boat. But if you ask me for my opinion, I'm going to tell you to grow it out long lol

Can you name all 50 states of America? No. And why would I? lol

Favorite school subject? History was always my favorite followed closely by English.

Extrovert or Introvert? Introvert. So bad that I am often accused of being stuck up, un-sociable, rude, un-approachable. But I am the complete opposite at work. I guess it is true ... money talks! LOL

Have you ever been scuba diving? No.

What makes you nervous? People breathing. And by that I mean people who have no common sense whatsoever. Stupid people make me nervous too.

Do you correct people when they make mistakes? Unfortunately, I do. I don't mean to. I don't even realize I am doing it to begin with most of the time. As soon as I do realize it, I apologize immediately. It's a bad, bad trait I have.

Are you ticklish? Very much so.

Have you ever started a rumor? I've never started one but I have helped one to travel along :::hangs head down in shame:::

Have you ever been in a position of authority? Everyday. I'm a wife and a mother. Without my authority, their life would cease to exist. LOL

Have you ever drank underage? Yes

Have you ever done drugs? Just prescribed, and even then reluctantly.

Who was your first real crush? His name was Ty and he did not even know I existed

How many piercings do you have? 3 in each ear

Can you roll your Rs? Nope.

How fast can you type? I have no clue. I've never timed myself before.

How fast can you run? I don't run. Unless I am being chased. And it better be a damn big spider to have made me run otherwise I'll beat the shit out of whatever/whoever made me run to begin with.

What color is your hair? 6BR (the hair color my stylist uses lol)

What color are your eyes? hazel/green

What are you allergic to? Dogs, dust mites, 4 types of mold, penicillin and Tetnus.

Do you keep a journal? Just this one. I tried to keep one as a kid but my mother would always look for them. So then I tried carrying it with me everywhere I went but she would wait till I went to sleep and then sneak in my room and take it out of my book bag or purse to read it. So I stopped and never kept another one until 2005 when I was introduced to OD

What do your parents do? My mother lives off of social security and my dad battles to make it through each day with lung cancer.

Do you like your age? So far I have no complaints. But then again, I've only been 43 for 15 days lol

What makes you angry? As a rule, I don't get angry. Anger solves nothing. Anger hurts yourself and those you are directing the anger towards. However dot dot dot I have been known to get angry and it is something I will have to live with for the rest of my life. The last time I was angry, I got angry over a friend attempting suicide. Suicide is as effective as anger is. It solves nothing. It hurts those around you. It is a cowards way of dealing with life. I despise people who throw it out there "Oh, I'm going to kill myself" to get attention.

Do you like your own name? Ya know, it depends on what day of the week it is. My given names, both first & middle, are not spelt the traditional way so the pronunciation of them is usually trashed. But for the most part, yes I do like my name.

What are your strengths? Waking up. Crawling out of bed. Facing each and every obstacle head on that life throws my way instead of hiding behind other's, expecting them to do it for me.

What are your weaknesses? Starbucks. Mello Yello's. Cigarettes. Chocolate. Facebook. Prosebox. lol

How did you get your name? My parents gave me my given names because they liked them. I chose my nickname Sassy when I was addicted to the CB radio and it has stuck with me ever since (23 years)

Were your ancestors royalty? To my knowledge, no.

Color of your bedspread? The main color is burgundy with color blocks on it.

Color of your room? Walls are tan. Carpet is a shitty blue/grey that my guess is apparently original to the 20+ year old house. Furniture is cream colored.

Anything else? What else ya wanna know?

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