Some Beach .... in My Unpredictable Life ...

  • Feb. 21, 2014, 4:16 a.m.
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What does a Sassy have to do around here to plant her fat ass on a tropical beach somewhere????

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This is what I woke up to this morning. Complete with 60mph gusts, power surges with the occasional power outage, near complete white out conditions.


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In all fairness, it seems like the whole state of Kansas couldn't decide what it wanted to do ...

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And to think, not even 48 hours prior, it was 72ºF ...

At least we warmed up enough to melt most of the snow from this morning.

Since this entry is picture heavy, I will wait till tomorrow to "discuss" my ultrasound appointment earlier today, complete with a by-play of before the event.

Still too pissed, hurt, aggravated to do so now.

Goose head.

So I'm working 3-11 again tonight. The football players come flying into the lobby from their dinner, all in a panic. "Mrs. Sassy! Mrs. Sassy! Please tell us that ain't no tornado coming! Please, Mrs. Sassy, please don't let that be no tornado!"

There were about 6 of them. I had just finished checking in a guest and was finishing up the paperwork.

So I tell them, "Call down, Boys, hang on a second and I'll look and see."

I walk over to the monitor and pull up the wide screen of the view they are worried about ...

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:::snickers to self::: Eh, I'm bored, let's have some fun.

"Oh shit! God I hope not! Hang on and let me run outside to get a better view!" So I grab the cordless phone and my cell phone and take off running.

Now I knew, from the get-go that it wasn't a tornado but just a harmless snow cloud. But apparently these grown ass, He-Man football players, didn't. It's not my fault they were so gullible!

By the time we all get outside, they are in full blown panic, don't know which way to run, if they should get in their cars and take off, what? It was so hard to stand there and watch these guys near about piss themselves. Especially when I'm standing there going, "Oh God, oh God, oh God."

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So then I say, "Shhh! Hush! Listen! Do you hear that?" Of course they are all being noisy shouting, "What?" "I don't hear anything." "What do you hear, Mrs. Sassy?"

I finally decided to play nice and say, "I hear nothing. Which means that it is not a tornado, but just a snow cloud. If it were a tornado, the city wide tornado sirens would be going off. So you are safe."

It took a few more minutes to get them calm down. Then we "discussed" what to do if it were a tornado and where to go in the event we have any this spring. They are not looking forward to being here till June now LOL.

I even told them the "Legend" of our town and that seemed to help ease their minds a little also. I'll have to go through my .txt OD file to see if I can find that entry I did on our town's legend and post that for you all that missed it on OD.

So, yes, the guys had a reason to be concerned, according to the pictures I took, but if you use common sense, well, it will help keep the blood pressure down lol. At least I had some entertainment out of them lol.

I've had fun this shift re-keying card keys for the rooms, helping to reset alarm clocks, listen to complaints, etc. All the fun stuff that can go wrong when a hotel looses electricity. So glad I was not working this morning!

Joleen and I spent some time watching the washing machines wash clothes ... I don't even know why so please don't ask ... LMAO We just stood there, not even speaking, and just watched the clothes spin around ....

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Well, my shift is slowly coming to an end so I am gonna start packing up.

Till next time ...

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