diabetes in keeping it postive

  • Feb. 16, 2014, 2:51 p.m.
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Twice recently (once in January, then again today), my blood sugar has dropped to what's normal for others and LOW for me: about 100. I find myself VERY hungry, and starting to get a bit shaky, so I test it. Maybe it's me... each person IS a bit different; maybe it's the meter.

I have my 1/2 yearly doctor's appointment at the study, so they'll do a complete test - including the A1c - the longer term "snapshot" of my blood sugar. Last time it was tested, I was in the non-diabetic range. I think that's the case now also.

I just had a LOT of raisins. Yes, they're high in sugar, but although low blood sugar is better than high, I hate that shaky feeling. I also had a "string cheese" - but always have to share it with the cat (LOL).

It's a day to day process to be sure.

Livnjust4me February 16, 2014

100 is low but i always thought it just be a little bit higher to be normal..

ermentrude February 16, 2014

Mm, love string cheese! Is your diabetes recently diagnosed? I have a friend who has been diagnosed as pure pre diabetic and has had to change her lifestyle to avoid the full deal. X

Darcy0207 from OD ermentrude ⋅ February 16, 2014

I think I was diagnosed about 10 years ago. I was in denial for a long time. It took a long time for me to start taking meds - I now take two different oral medications - at a fairly low level. I've been participating in a LONG term study - 15 years+.
I also started a short term study - will weight loss through Weight Watchers place a diabetic into a more normal blood glucose level? The 10 lbs. weight loss made a world of difference.

Deleted user February 19, 2014

i hope yours stays in the healthy range, but i know mine dips quite a bit. my dad has type 2 so i've been worried i might end up with it, too. but my glucose is 88 normally. i forget to eat a lot and the shakes sure are a wake up call to have a meal.

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