Brand new sunrise.... in Flash

  • Feb. 15, 2014, 1:18 p.m.
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  • Public

... from my cellar door.

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The swing tree endures. It was a big tall walnut in 1950 when my dad put up my swing. It's lost its neighbor elm and neighbor oak, but has sons growing throughout the yard.


It's a little after seven. It's seven or eight degrees below zero. I'd drinking coffee and listening to Garden Talk on public radio. Not really listening because they are talking about Japanese beetles and beetles - Japanese and otherwise are all asleep now.

I have the fire going. I cleaned out the stairway of my old mail. I have three feed sacks full. It might be a good day to gather them up with my sacks of cans and glass and go to the recycling place.

Too bad it's not warmer. The Buick could use a wash. Imagine what the lines at the carwashes will be like when it finally does warm up. Best take reading material for the wait.


If you have a minute - go look at Humans of New York's Valentines pics.... and read too.

gattaca February 15, 2014

Pretty, but brrr - that looks cold! We're supposed to shatter records in Tucson today: 90. Unreal. In February.

thesunnyabyss February 15, 2014

beautiful, enjoy your day!!

NorthernSeeker February 15, 2014

Mmm...what a pretty way to start the morning. Big kudos on cleaning up the mail. It takes a lot of time to declutter. Good should see the office room downstairs. It has deteriorated.

Gangleri February 15, 2014

That like awesome.

Deleted user February 15, 2014

Pretty photos. We have so much snow and it's been below zero every day for the last month. I can not even think about my garden yet. De- cluttering is looming over me in a drastic manner as we are soon going to start remodeling our house . It's exciting and intimidating at the same time :-) Glad I found you here !

RoseS February 16, 2014

Loved the HONY site. I could spend hours there! It was warmer here today... 57... and bright sun, but still too cool to convince us to go out. Reading and writing day, which is usually reserved for Sunday. We'll have to be busy tomorrow, so i guess it works.

noko February 17, 2014

Lovely. Both the pictures and tackling the mail.

Tick Tock Tick February 21, 2014

Humans of New York is addictive. Appreciate your directing me back there again. Stay warm!

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