Sammy something.... in Second 1st

  • Feb. 20, 2019, 4:21 p.m.
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4 entries in one morning oh my!

So, each entry I’ve made has been for distinctly different reasons I feel..... I’m not sure how I would book them differently as they are all life to me. Obviously the one is in the D&D stuff and I keep considering the listings stuff to be put in a book of it’s own if you can’t tell I’m trying to mentally distinguish it from the other parts of my life. So that another book might even be possible.....

Life happens while you are doing things…so while I was writing the last entry....

Sammy came out to go to school. again 2 hours later than the schedule says. So he again missed his first class. He talked for me a moment about something I already can’t remember..... it wasn’t important.... but I felt the need to talk serious to him. Yesterday I sent him a text about scheduling to check out that apartment. Rocky and I are possibly having issues because we don’t see eye to eye on things. There are frustrating things that I respond to differently than he does ....

After 2 days away Rocky was still upset about the car being parked in the wrong place..... did I forget to mention it? Sammy had gone on a day trip leaving Saturday night coming back late Monday. Friday there was some moving of vehicles and I had parked in the yard so that I would be able to get out after Sammy had come home. There was a meeting time set for a time I was sure he would be home. I don’t know I parked in the yard so he could get to the door better.... knowing I wasn’t driving much.... either way apparently that confused Sammy. Rocky had to have him move his car to get the van out and when Sammy came home at 1am after work he parked in a very odd spot.

Apparently, Rocky hit our fence twice trying to get out. Sammy had parked close to the end of the driveway where it’s a little more narrow. Rocky was outraged and woke him up yelling. Sammy moved his car..... when he woke up he complained to me about it a little and had said that he told Rocky “fuck you”. When conveying this to Rocky it flared his anger because though he may have said it he did not say it to his face. Rocky swears if he had his shit would be in the yard....... again I’m all wtf..... There is a spare key and Sammy leaves his keys on the counter all the time. Rocky could have moved Sammy’s car without bothering the boy at all. Rocky swears he did it to be a smart ass.

Getting both sides over the next day I am again on the fence about why Rocky is so hard on his brother. I don’t get why every consequence is I’m kicking him out. I don’t know how he stays angry for so long for such a small thing. I honestly think that Sammy being woken to “Move your fucking car” at 4:am is consequence enough for parking in the wrong place.

I do digress.... the talk this morning I told him that there are issues involving him between Rocky and I and that Rocky believes it’s creating a wedge. We have not asked much of him since he has moved in and he has not done the simple things we have asked. His laundry not getting done but like once a month. He is still eating in his room and leaving dishes. Rocky feels these things are highly disrespectful. I feel like they are just the things a kid does. I told him that though I highly encourage the moving for the reasons I told him I’m afraid his brother is more likely leaning towards the fact that he has not done anything we have asked of him as the only reasons he would want Sammy to move. The sooner we go see the apartments the better off things will be. I want him to move for his personal growth but Rocky is afraid Sammy is coming between us being as we don’t see eye to eye on how to treat the situation.

I strongly suggest the sooner he moves the better. He then stated that they would only be on a waiting list and wouldn’t be moving till August anyway because that’s when his friends lease runs out. That’s fine, just the step forward would be nice.

I’m sure I’ll have another entry today..... follow up with doc at 2.

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