Against the wind in My Unpredictable Life ...

  • Feb. 11, 2014, 6:14 a.m.
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Pfffttttt. I'm in a mood thanks to Mother Nature, Aunt Flo and Hubby. And for the fact that I am probably sabotaging myself.

Why is there not enough chocolate???

We got another 2 inches of snow Monday evening while I was sleeping. I knew it was coming. I mentioned to Hubby that he may want to put salt down before it started unless he wanted to shovel before I went to work. I got up at 9pm to get ready. He was going to bed. He informs me that I need to shovel at least my side of the drive way. "Are you kidding me? I don't have time to do that shit!" "If you drive on the snow, it will turn it to ice." "Why the fuck didn't you do it?" I didn't hang around to hear his reply.

So I rushed through my shower and make up and gave up drying my hair to shovel my side of the drive way ...

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Ass. Damn but he pisses me off!

Then, I get to work and Jimena hasn't bothered to put salt down or shovel either. Of course not. And all the damn football players are coming in from their practice and making a mess. So, I got to shovel snow at work, again ...

And then, because everyone, all day long has been tracking in snow, and salt, and whatever else, including the football players with the freshly fallen snow, I had the not-so-pleasure of sweeping up all the salt and food and then mopping. And of course, since the floors were so caked with dried snow/salt, I had to mop twice to get rid of the salt film the 1st mopping left behind.

My forearms hurt so bad right now. I swear, I don't get paid enough for this crap.

It didn't help that we are at 28 occupied rooms tonight and it took forever to get all my paperwork done. Of course, had the other desk clerks done their job, I wouldn't have had to do it for them before I could do my job. So my normal timeline is all out of whack and that has set my OCD on edge. I just don't understand what is so hard about this job that no one else can do it? Why must they leave it for me to do for them?

I slept like crap today. Took forever to fall asleep. Two and a half hours later I am woken up by a text from Bill, the owner. Took a hour to fall back asleep. Woke back up 2 hours later to go get The Child from school. Came home and cooked dinner. Talked with Hubby and The Child to catch up on the day's events and help her get Girl Scout Cookie orders together. Took another 2.5 hour nap and here I am.

Wish I could say that I will be making up for lost sleep later today but I doubt that. Unless I get lucky. And I mean real lucky. Because otherwise I'll either screw myself with lack of sleep or I will screw up a chance for a job interview.

See, right now, instead of here writing, I should be working on my resume. A resume I have not had to work on in 18 years. So, I'm starting from scratch with that. But for whatever reason, I just can't get myself to work on it.

I saw a job listing for a company in town. Very similar to what I do now but on a larger scale (hotel vs. low income apartment complex). Come to find out, the person doing the interviews has been coming into town and staying here off and on over the past 8 months I've been here. I've developed a good rapport with her. Annnndddddd, she just happens to be checked in. So when I saw her Monday morning, I talked with her about the job, and what all it entails, etc. and her & I both agreed it was very similar to what I am already doing now. So I mentioned that my biggest issue with finding jobs was the lack of family/friends/daycare for The Child and I would be screwed if there were snow days or teacher work days, etc. She said, "Well you just bring her to work with you." ::blink:: ::blink:: "Surely it isn't as simple as that?" "Sure it is. I do it all the time with my 2 kids." So, to make a long story short, she told me to get my resume together and then she'd give me a time to come in on Tuesday afternoon for an "official" interview.

With that being said, the job listing says resumes will be accepted till the 17th. So when I see her in a few hours I will ask if she will be coming back next week and if so, can we do the interview then. And/or I can just email her my resume (as the job listing says to do) when I get it done.

She didn't act like I was a "top candidate" for the position, but she didn't discourage me either. It really could go either way. But due to my lack of energy from lack of sleep, shoveling snow, mopping 2500 sq. ft., I'm not working on my resume and that will probably affect the outcome of getting this job.

Because a full time, Mon-Fri, paid holidays, benefit package, $13/hour, allowed to bring my kid to work with me kinda job is not the kind of job I have been looking for.

Why must I do this to myself?

Maybe I'll catch my second wind after talking to her this morning and say screw the sleep and go home and get the resume done, go to an interview (before or after picking The Child up from school), and potentially get a job. I can have The Child cook her & Hubby Ramen noodles and grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner while I try to get a 4 hour nap in before going back into work tonight.

Thankfully there is no forecast for snow for the next 10 days so there is that. We might even warm up enough by the end of the week to start melting what is already on the ground.

Think I will finally go eat something. I haven't had a chance yet and then I need to start getting the breakfast stuff set up.

Till next time ....

anyahs February 11, 2014

Don't pass up this job opportunity, chick! Sounds like it's a good one! Good luck!!

OneSassyLadyNKY anyahs ⋅ February 12, 2014


B+ February 12, 2014

Hang in there, girly and get that resume done. I know it's not easy, but trust me it's well worth it to get a job that is great pay and flexible, doing something that you're good at, and that you enjoy (you do enjoy it most of the time, don't you?).

I have faith in you.

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