religion in keeping it postive

  • Feb. 15, 2014, 7:07 a.m.
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For those people who consider themselves religious: What keeps you following your religion? Is is habit? Is it culture?
Is it strong faith and beliefs? Is it community? All your activities and many of your friends center around the religion. Is it "the way it is"? You were brought up this way and cannot consider anything different. It is your life?

I am not trying to give anyone a hard time, or denigrate any specific religion. I am curious.

Deleted user February 15, 2014

Faith i believe in God. I try not to and sometimes i think i don't but there it is unwavering solid and whole. Not religious though. There is a difference between being religious and having faith.

Darcy0207 from OD Deleted user ⋅ February 15, 2014

Thank you. And, yes, I agree - there is a difference between faith and following a certain religion.

Darcy0207 from OD February 15, 2014

Thank you for your insight. I grew up in a secular home. My parents sent me to Ethical Culture Sunday school. I have returned to Ethical Culture meeting every so often as an adult and fine that I have incorporated their belief system into my life to a great degree. The problem is that I am a spiritualist - and they do NOT believe in spirit. I couldn't join as a member.

I've also tried various religions and none were quite right for the long haul... though I spent years in various practices.

I tried reading the Bible a few years ago... there was just TOO much sex and violence for me to be comfortable. Sounds weird, but so it is.

Telstar February 15, 2014

I believe in God.........

Some people do and some people don't............

Has nothing to do with any certain religion, church, habits, cultures, lifestyles, or friends..... I'm also not obligated to attempt to convince anyone to believe as I do...........

It is good, however, that you're curious......

eolhsand February 15, 2014

I'm just a Christian with non-logic based faith. Kierkegaard has the perfect allegory for faith: Abraham is told by God that he's going to be the father of a nation, even though he's old and can't make babies. Miraculously, he does make a son, Isaac. Abraham is then told by God to sacrifice Isaac. Logically, it doesn't make sense that Abraham could be the father of a nation if he kills his only son. But if God is truthful, Abraham will be the father of a nation, via Isaac. But he's willing to sacrifice Isaac anyway. That's my faith. It doesn't rely on logic. It can't. I just believe, and I don't expect people to believe, and it makes perfect sense to me that not everyone believes. I just do.

Also, I'm not a creationist (The Bill Nye/Ken Ham debate has caused me a lot of flak with less friendly acquaintances). I think scientific discoveries aren't incompatible with the existence of God. I'm an English and Philosophy major - metaphors come naturally.

Livnjust4me February 15, 2014

I was raised a Presbyterian growing up then changed over to a baptist when i was older but i go to the church from time where i went growing up...

Deleted user February 16, 2014

funny, my parents are a southern baptist and a catholic. my mom converted to catholicism to marry my dad. then my dad in turn became atheist and then agnostic. can't say tradition in my case, too convoluted :) when i was a child, i realized i felt very close to nature, and kinda found god there. currently my feeling is that god is within us, not outside us. "hell" is separation from the god within. i'm not sure if that can be called a religion, but that's where i put my faith.

Darcy0207 from OD February 16, 2014

I like that explanation. When I was a small child, my parents were atheists. I prayed to god, anyway. There was a college nearby with beautiful Gothic architecture. When I was old enough - in my teens - I'd go there and pray, feeling the "church-like" atmosphere. I've gone through various religions in my life - from Buddhism to Spiritualism.
I guess we each find our own path.

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