I love electricity! in Just in Case

  • Feb. 12, 2014, 11:56 p.m.
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The ice came yesterday. (Seriously....y'all yankess need to hang on to your winter, it's having too much fun hanging out in the South! I mean I don't blame it because we're all sorts of awesome down here, but really...so tired of it! Any thoughts I had of moving somewhere up north have taken a serious detour. Now I'm thinking more along the lines of Tahiti or something! lol Lost power last night, just as I was getting into bed. It cold in here quickly. (No heat source without electricity.) It was around 40 degrees in here this morning. That's too cold for me in the house. (go ahead - call me a wimip!) I spent the day at my parents' house - they have a large generator. My lights came back on a little over an hour ago. I am such a happy girl! It never really thawed today, so I know this stuff will refreeze (already below freezing again), so the morning will be interesting. We're the only parish with school going on right now. I'm ok with that. It's only a half day, and then parent conferences (which is probably why she chose to have us go.) The ice is beautiful out there, but I haven't taken any pictures this time. I'm over it. Well and truly over it. (That said, the trees remind me of Narnia!)

Deleted user February 12, 2014

Whereabouts are you at? We (here in my little neck of the Texas woods) were supposed to get some bad stuff but it keeps missing us, LOL!

Glad your power is back on!! :)

dream seeker Deleted user ⋅ February 13, 2014

I'm in central Louisiana. :) 3 major snows and now ice all in new year...that's more than in the last 10 years lol.

Jigger February 13, 2014

It's supposed to be 65 and 70 here this weekend, which makes no sense. We are not that far apart! I am not sure I trust my fancy new phone's weather thing.

dream seeker Jigger ⋅ February 13, 2014

They're saying 60s here this weekend and 70s next week. I'm so ready! Lol

Small Town Girl February 13, 2014

This has been such a crazy winter!! So ready for it to be over and I am so wanting to move to Texas!!

JadedAngel68 February 15, 2014

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