Mind shard. (D&D) in 1D4+1

  • Jan. 29, 2019, 5:58 p.m.
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Woke up at some 1 oçlock or so and went down to the tavern for lunch. Oddly enough there was a druid in a cloak there just hanging out. Talked to him to find that Oswald had sent word back to the Guild because he was concerned that they sent back the idiots who cause the current issue. (Again not our fault I swear)

Ronald, the priest from next door, rushed in telling us of a vision he just had whilst praying to his god. He told us of things in the past where a town was once here overtaken with disease and eventually everyone died. His tale had included the ruins we had visited the day before and the sorcerer we had found there. Then he fell, just passed out. We.... I mean Lothar picked him up and took him upstairs to a bed and while he was being tended to I went to check out the chapel he had just been praying in. It was a rather funny sight to see though a dwarf of only 4 ft 5 lifting a 1/2 orc and taking him up stairs. lol

The rocks at the base of the chapel were crawling with vines. Purple and green and pulsing. our new friend, Braxxon, had come with me but we couldn’t figure out anything between the two of us. They weren’t natural for sure. I went back to Wren and Lothar to ask them to come look at it. Once outside Lothar decided chopping it was a good idea. Some kinda green smoke came out but nothing happened. My guess was that was how Ronald got sick. He wanted to burn it but I was against it. Lothar went back and poured some holy water in Ronald’s mouth. I’m not sure what he expected but smoke came out and we decided that was a bad thing. Ronald almost seemed to get worse while we stood there so we decided to check out the chapel more. It appeared that the vines were growing more on one side of the chapel than others. I thought it important to note who lived in the house next door (A drow named Greg) but ultimately it wasn’t.

Oswald told us of some children’s story about a mind shard. He said it was really just to scare kids at night but it seemed like this could be something like that. Also, we needed to find something against whatever it was because Ronald was gonna die if we didn’t. He said there should be a recipe for a cure somewhere. We decided to go back out to the ruins and see if anything had changed. Braxxon found that it appeared new stones had been placed like someone was trying to rebuild. The stairs were still going down so we went in. The room we had entered before had water all over the floor but not regular water.... it was more like a pond all slime and gross. Lothar dipped a toe in it to see if that was the source of the sickness. We decided it wasn’t unless it had to be consumed. I went in checking all the books for anything on the bindings I might be able to read.

Then suddenly a voice came. Something about not being ready to enter the fold. Wren who had stayed at the top of the stairs told us to get out.... so I did. I turned to see a big eye in the wall that appeared to be crying this swamp water into the room. Wren shot once and at the point she had hit it more water started pouring out. I shot it once and the same thing happened. I moved towards the stairs and it shot a beam at me but missed. The Dwarfs however had a harder time doing so leaving. Lothar got frozen, then Braxxon, Lothar bullrushed Braxxon trying to get him further up the stairs. I just stood there out of range on the inside of the hallway. Really, she said leave I wasn’t going back. There was a huge thing trying to kill us in there. I went back outside. Lothar decided to pour holy water on the bowl in the middle and the stairs closed.

We went back to the tavern to tell them as Wren put it “ale good, water bad” We also found that Greg, the drow, was now sick and at the inn with Ronald. We looked for trap doors and anything else that might help at the chapel but ultimately decided the eye must die. So, we went back.
This time we were smart and we were just going to peek around the corner and shoot one at a time me and Wren. While the dwarfs stayed out of sight completely at the ready to pull us back if we were stunned. However, the eye took up the whole wall and with one more shot from Wren it exploded. We searched the room and found what looked like a recipe but none of us really knew. Took it back to the inn and by some kinda luck it was just what we needed.

Lothar went off on his own to check out the chapel again, the rest of us went to check on Ronald. Ronald didn’t appear to be getting any better. We heard Oswald holler for us so we went down to the tavern. Apparently, he had all the ingredients on had and had made 4 drinks. I thought it was like a cure for the sick but it turned out to be a magic potion that allowed us to enter Ronald’s mind. Lothar had already taken the drink but I wasn’t so sure. Wren even less sure as she was the last one to appear in this other world that we had shown up in after drinking. We were standing on the only dry spot in a large muddy field. In the distance we saw Lothar so we hollered. He replied “this way!” so we followed. It smelled more and more like the ruins as we went. Suddenly there were 4 things in the sky. I had to point them out because no one else saw them. Glad I did point it out as Wren was at the ready to shoot one of 4 giant mosquito. Lothar started hollering at them because that’s all he could do he has no range weapons at all. Braxxon, and Wren missed with a sling shot and arrow respectively. One dodged Wren’s arrow and 2 were trying to latch onto Lothar. I went for the one that was most distracted that way there was like zero chance of it dodging my shots. We managed to kill them.... they are bugs though so nothing to loot. Seemed odd that there would be bugs like that in someones mind though.

We eventually came to a building covered in vines. Same color as the ones on the chapel but much much bigger. Also, they were alive and attacked us. I thought maybe now was a good time to try to light an arrow on fire but as I was getting my flint and steel from my pack I was hit by a ray that froze me in place. When I finally came to the building was smaller and there was nothing to kill so I tried to heal up. So far in this adventure I’m going to say 5 gold for 1 hit point is not worth it. I drank 2 potions and it barely did anything. Luckily we had our new druid friend with us. He was kind enough to heal me up a good bit and just in time for another vine to detach itself. Wren and Lothar killed it then the building became the size of a large gem stuck in the ground. Braxxon wanted to put it in a sack and we decided to set it on fire. The bag burned but the gem did not. Lothar took a chance and smashed it with his ax. It shattered! Yay! and suddenly we were back in the tavern.

I ran upstairs to check on Ronald who appeared all better, like he had never been sick. He told me that he had visions that the maid shard had been placed in him. All seemed well but after a tad bit more healing we decided to go check the ruins out again. .... We were met by Orlando.... he’s kinda our boss back at the guild. He said we needed to make our way back immediately because things and stuff were happening he immediately vanished. I was all like cool he can wait till we check the ruins but everyone else wanted to just go being as it’s our boss and all. Honestly, if we all stuck together I don’t know how Orlando would know when we got the message.... or that the job was even finished. However, if the other 3 showed up without me I’d be in trouble for sure so i went back with them.

The trip back was quiet and we all healed our wounds on the way.

When we got back to The Cleansing Flame Lothar thought it most important to go see the boss. Braxxon and I decided to go get paid first. It wasn’t cash this time but an offer of something from the armory. We will find out what Orlando wanted soon.

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