He is crazy but good crazy in day to day

Revised: 01/21/2019 9:35 a.m.

  • Jan. 14, 2019, 6 a.m.
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Up early want to get to school early never thought I would say that. but Roper gets there early.

Roper makes me melt when he talks. I still can’t believe he talked to me that first day I can’t even start to say how just seeing him makes me feel. When I feed my horse this morning, I found a note he left from when he came over Sunday He left it on my saddle in the barn.

It said,” just wanted to say I had the best day ever”. I mean it was short and simple but it made my day.😍

He was there when I walked in the gym, we talked he ask me if I made the lamp yet and about a neckless, I made then the bell rang it sucked so bad, we had to go to class. He got up took my hand I couldn’t believe he held my hand👫 and we started walking to class. I looked down and he was only wearing a left boot. I mean for real just a left boot and his right foot just had a white sock on it nothing else
roper came like this

ME- you only have one boot on
Roper- duh you are making a lamp out of the other one remember
Me- don’t you have more
Roper- nope, just this one
Me- why did you do that
Roper- you really wanted to make a lamp out of a boot and didn’t have one and so I gave you one
Me- why didn’t you tell me you didn’t have another pair
Roper- you never ask plus not as if you ask for my boot, it was my ideal
Me- I’m sorry I feel bad
Roper- Why
Me-Because you only have one boot now
Roper- I’m good with it I want you to make your lamp you smiled so big when you talked about. I like it when you smile
me- I feel so bad I already started the lamp and glued it to the wood and drilled holes in it.
Roper- you’re such a girl you can never be happy live with it you got a one boot boyfriend, I guess you have a problem with that now
I could have died he said he was my boyfriend 💑❤💛💘

Last updated January 21, 2019

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