Run for Cover!!! in Dancing Along the Edge

  • Feb. 13, 2014, 4:45 a.m.
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  • Public

Well, well, would appear that an annoying, crazy, tea-partying, card-carrying wacko twat who was in all likelihood one of the most hated (if not the most hated) diarist on Open Diary has slithered over here to Prosebox. I'm sure most of you will know who I am referring to. And here I was hoping that I would never have to be exposed to her hate-filled right-wing bullshit propaganda again.


Jaebella February 13, 2014

Ugh! I wish there was a way to block her so that you don't even see her stuff on the front page!

Foofah February 13, 2014

hmmm, I was on OD since 2005 and I am trying to rack my brain to figure out who it is, lol

The Diva of Dorks Foofah ⋅ February 14, 2014

queenbee...does ashleigh bin field ring a bell?

softea February 13, 2014

hahahahaha, I am so glad I haven't seen her yet

Nocturnal State February 13, 2014

Yep! She's been around for a while, I think. I can't say I've personally run across her, but friends have. Every single damn thing she posts makes me roll my eyes and cringe. But, the good thing about PB is that there's no 'nominations' for any kind of entry to be on the front page (that I'm aware of?), so we won't be seeing her crap plastered all over the place! :D

edna million February 13, 2014

Oh, great. I know exactly who you are talking about. I am glad we won't have to see her on "readers choice" constantly. That's a tiny bit of consolation.

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