Chef salad specs.... in Lists

  • Feb. 1, 2014, 11:11 a.m.
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  • Public

  • good lettuce - can live with iceberg if the other stuff is good
  • ham
  • cheese
  • tomatoes
  • onions
  • green peppers
  • mushrooms
  • green olives
  • black olives
  • small tub of italian dressing

  • no crackers

  • no croutons
  • no hard boiled eggs

Gus and Tony's will make you one to eat there or to go.

Darcy0207 from OD February 01, 2014

I find iceberg is nowhere near as much fun to eat as either spinach or spring mix. I often go to a place for a HUGE salad that has sliced turkey and swiss cheese rather than the ham. They use romaine, which I still prefer to the iceberg - better nutritional value also.

Silent Echo/Quiet Storm February 01, 2014

hold the onion add the boiled egg. take care,

Linda February 01, 2014

Sounds good.

RoseS February 01, 2014

I got out of the habit of eating salad dressing, but agree on the quality of the other stuff.

Gangleri February 01, 2014

I like fresh iceberg for the crunch factor. It just isn't lettuce to me if it doesn't have that snap.

Deleted user February 02, 2014

No peppers for me, thanks. Yes, I know they have Vitamin C. :-) This sounds yum. I like the sound of the shops where you can get mixed salads .. we don't have that much where I live. Maybe in the City.

NorthernSeeker February 02, 2014

I don't mind eggs in my chef salad.

Brakeshoe Bob February 10, 2014

I guess Iceberg lettuce has it's position. I remember there were some awful salads, at places we ate on the railroad ... The red stuff, and not radicco or red lettuce, lol that was always a pleaser ...That usually told you it had seen better days ... Good greens like a spring mix, or spinach ..its a variation ...but it does work ...

Sugar Magnolia February 13, 2014

Add some crumbled bleu cheese and an avocado and I'm there. I also like some form of protein but am not particular what form it takes.

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