Close To A Year in Hello
- Jan. 3, 2019, 9:32 p.m.
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My last visit with Dr. Gilbert was on Jan. 29th last year. Did see my counselor a few times after that. She, counselor, is out on maternity leave. First kid. Good for her.
Appointment went good. Got my refill on Paxil and will swing back by the pharmacy tomorrow to get my Xanex seeing how that gets called in. Ah, to be medicated again. She’s recommending a mood stabilizer but I said it’d have to wait till I get insurance but I’m willing to give it a shot.
Tonight I’m dragging. Terrible sleep this morning and I’m super beat now. Plus the CMM has a mind of it’s own tonight spitting out bad readings on parts I know to be good. Oh how I wish there was an actual QC person on night shift.
Last updated January 03, 2019
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