Can you give me some trouble, I'm having some help here in Book One: The Not So Daily Briefs 2014

  • Feb. 11, 2014, 5:07 p.m.
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Hooooo boy.

My day on paper and my day in practice are turning into vastly different things. I had AM court, am supposed to be reading for class, I have a lunch meeting, need to do more reading for class, class, and then more homework. But that may not happen. I might not make it.

You see... since coming back to the office since court... I keep falling asleep. The reading I want to finish before my lunch meeting is ONLY 60 pages. I should be able to knock that out within an hour with NO WORRIES. However, I've been at it for over an hour and I have finished 22 pages. Because I keep falling asleep. If this keeps up, I don't know what I'll do. I really need to finish my work (Hell, I have enough of it today with a total of 360 pages to read, two important phone calls to make, and four papers to work on.)

After my lunch meeting, I will need to hook up an IV of caffeine to get through this day!

Toriathan February 11, 2014

More reading! Less posting on Prosebox!


Sympathies. After college, I discovered a good night's sleep and then I wondered how I could have been so stupid not to have gotten one for the past 4 years.

QueenOfBritton February 12, 2014

Sorry about the overwhelmingness of your work load! It will all be worth it in the end though right?

Tempestuous1 March 02, 2014

Hope ya made it! College killed my love of reading. I still enjoy it, but it makes me fall asleep now.

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