Cannon entry in --

  • Feb. 10, 2014, 10:42 p.m.
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He always laughs at Phil in the movie Hercules. He's starting to have a real sense of humor!

He loves to hand me my comb so that I will comb his hair, even if he barely has any. :P

He has been a super picky eater lately. He used to love pasta, and lately he won't touch it. He also won't eat most vegetables lately, but he used to like them quite a bit. He was never a picky eater before, so I'm hoping it's a short phase.

At his appointment last week, he was 23.5 lbs. I don't remember his exact height, but he is in the 23rd percentile for weight and 30something percentile for height. For his height and weight, he is around the 50th percentile. He's a little guy. He'll be 18 months on the 26th.

He's been in a better mood this week, I think his teeth were really hurting him for the past month.

He's been very attached to Jacob lately, preferring him over me. Jacob is the fun parent, after all!

His sleep schedule has been way off. He's been getting up between 11am and noon, and going to bed between 1.30 and 3am.

He loves to clip and unclip things like his high chair clips, or the seatbelts of grocery carts. He is happy to do that for a long time!

He prefers to put the crayons back in the box and dump them out over and over instead of color. He loves to organize things. He also loves to carry around his toy sword. He also loves his Megablocks and trying to build things.

He loves to twirl! He's always twirling. I think he likes being dizzy. :P He is very silly. He knows where my bellybutton is, but he will not point to his own. We are working on body parts. I think he is too busy to care though, for the most part!

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