vday and whatnot in --

  • Feb. 15, 2014, 6:04 p.m.
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Last night my fiance and I went to dinner at a sushi place and they had yummy-looking cocktails. I almost cried because I wanted one so bad (wtf hormones) and the waiter brought me a non-alcoholic one without me asking, and it was really nice.

I don't drink though. I turned 21 and then BAM I was pregnant, and I've been pregnant or nursing since then so I never really got to order fancy cocktails and stuff. I was feeling left out. I don't enjoy being drunk, so it isn't that I want to be drunk (who likes feeling sick and dizzy? I seriously don't get the appeal). I just wanted a yummy drink! a girl needs to feel fancy sometimes.

When I was pregnant with Cannon we went to a Chinese restaurant and I cried because they didn't have anymore cashews for the cashew chicken... it was ridiculous. like, Iit literally hurt me that they were out of cashews. They actually ran out and got more just for my dish. I am still a bit embarrassed about that story, but pregnancy can get strange.

I've felt movements the past couple of mornings when I'm laying really still. Baby hangs out on my lower left side. Cannon was also a low baby, but on the right side.

I got Jacob flowers, chocolates, and a card for Valentine's Day. He got me lingerie and a manga and took me to dinner. I didn't get to wear the lingerie yet, but it is very pretty. I told him I wanted it. no one ever bought me lingerie before, I guess we are a real couple now. xD

I got Cannon a couple stuffed animals and goldfish crackers (he fuckin' loves goldfish crackers) and he gave the doggie stuffed animal a kiss. but hasn't touched it since. :P

I got my sister some Pocky and a Starbucks giftcard. she is doing well with her studies. She is obsessed with Korean culture and that is all she ever talks about. lol. I guess Korea is the new Japan.

vday song:

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