Merry Christmas! in Hello
- Dec. 25, 2018, 2:17 p.m.
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Sunday was a pain. Supposed to do it at our house when my aunt calls us at 6pm asking where are we at? Well, it miffed my eldest brother and his wife so mucj that they just went home, middle brother was on call so a no show. Well, mom was super pissed due to communication error and I sure as hell didn’t want to put the thirty plus miles on my car just to get out there. But we went and it was nice.
I got my gifts that night. $20 from brother, Regal gift card from cousin, heating pad/massager from my aunt (intense back pain some days) $20 gift card to Barnes and Noble and Red Dead Redemption 2 from mom. Spent ALL night late till now playing it.
Last night we cashed in the Regal card and went to see Spider-Man: Into The Spiderverse. It was awesome!!! Even scored a free small popcorn thanks ro points on the rewards card. Next flick we want to see is the new Mary Poppins and I’m itching to see Vice. Christian Bale as former VP Cheney and he looks the part!
Today we’re having a noon shindig with my brothers seeing how they didn’t get to celebrate with us Sunday. I shall hide in my room when my middle brother gets here. Insults about my weight, my bald spot, how my cats are “fucking disgusting” (direct quote from last year) and how the food is too dry/sucks/whatever while his equally obnoxious dumbass girlfriend will be with him sitting there taking up space. Kids die of cancer every day and this waste of existence is still around. Seriously, she left her husband and two kids behind for my brother. Her kids HATE her now so who can blame them.
Can you tell I’m REALLY excited about this?
I think later on tonight we’re going to the tinsel trail downtown with my aunt.
As I said I’ve been up all night gaming, I may go nap and avoid my brothers today. I return to work tomorrow.
magicstar ⋅ December 26, 2018
Merry Christmas!
I'm taking my little brother to see Spider-Man on Friday and I can't wait.
J.E. magicstar ⋅ December 27, 2018
It is funny!
magicstar J.E. ⋅ December 29, 2018
Oh man. I wasn't expecting it to be so funny! I especially loved when they made fun of Spider-Man 3.
J.E. magicstar ⋅ December 29, 2018
IKR! Please tell me you stayed past the credits. It showed Spider-Man 2099.
magicstar J.E. ⋅ December 30, 2018
I DIDN'T!! I figured there was something, but my brother is autistic and the end credits to him are a signal to bolt and I couldn't convince him to stay. :(
J.E. magicstar ⋅ December 30, 2018
Ah I understand. It was basically just showing his universe in like a minute or so bit.