Back To Work in Hello
- Dec. 27, 2018, 8:53 p.m.
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Christmas lunch sucked. Middle brother had a stomach bug and eldest was dragged to his wife’s best friend’s house. He wasn’t too thrilled seeing how she planned it in advance and only told him the morning of. So ya, no one show. Mom was very pissed but I know she was also hurt. I’d tell him to stand up to his wife but she can be such an insufferable crybaby most of the time…
I’m back at work tonight. Missed yesterday because I was deathly hungover. Caved to the drink Tuesday due to ill temper and lack of will power. I know what I said about it, I just need to go at this harder and more seriously.
Tonight isn’t bad. Pretty much all the machines are on auto pilot with hour and a half cycle times except number seven. Six plus minutes. Been sitting at the QC lady’s desk keeping it running. Easy job except all the dimensional call outs are in metric. At least I still remember the conversion formula.
For the better part of the last hour I’ve been searching and jotting down notes for Red Dead Redemption 2. Massive game, however, it seems like when I do get a stash of cash one of my idiot gang members gets into a battle royale shoot out then I end up spending said money paying off my bounties.
Kinda like my current life and medical bills except the game is more enjoyable. Itching to get home and back into it.
Well, back to work I suppose.
One Angry Dwarf ⋅ December 28, 2018
"Kinda like my current life and medical bills except the game is more enjoyable." Lol, it's funny to me how often I okay games that basically mimic my real life frustrations, but for some reason it's fun in a fictional setting. If only I could see my actual life as a game.