This check in gonna suck. in Second 1st
- Dec. 16, 2018, 9:35 p.m.
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Another bad day? when will this let up? I woke again 1am with a trip to the restroom to pee and I had motion sickness before I got there. I took some Meclizine and went back to bed where Rocky snored so loudly it kept waking me. 2:30 I had to wake him because he was too loud. 3 he gets up.... or 3 his alarm goes off and 3:07 he’s snoring again. i woke him and told him I needed him to get up so I could get a nap he’s been waking me off and on since 1 and I need a nap before work. Didn’t help anyways. Nothing helped but the being still. When I got up for work it was still there.
I’m in a half a debate. I’m not going in again. I can handle it. I think. I have 2 days left for the month and the next 2 weeks we only work 2 days so I SHOULD be okay. Financially it’s not so easy. I mean this weeks check will suck. Then next week one of those days is Holiday Pay so it will be 12 hrs of pay to not work. Then the following week was scheduled shutdown and they are forcing work so each of those days will be triple time.... (double time + 12 hr Holiday Pay) so that week is going to be like working 2 weeks and it should all come out well at the end of the month. All the bills are current and next on the agenda is the house note (Due the first).
This is right where I was trying to avoid. This is why I was telling Rocky he needs a better job. I don’t want to think like this. I don’t want to HAVE TO go in miserable and really unable to do my job in order to pay bills. it should be okay this time but what about next time?
I will be seeing the audiologist and the ENT Wednesday. I want to talk to the ENT about WHEN I need to consider short term disability. Obviously using this weekend as an example. Motion sickness from taking literally (goes and counts actual steps) 12 steps and 1/2 side step, this shit is stupid. Seriously how much motion is 12 steps?.... sigh and it’s just in the morning really. It gets better. I think.... but only because I’m not doing anything. I just .... I just can’t .... the idea of dealing with it all day at work. There is not enough Mec in the world I don’t think.
Did I tell you brain fog had me looking like a dumbass Friday. It was a bad day and I went in anyways. I managed. They are putting another new line up and the quality foreman for the new line asked me Äre you QC today?”Me:”Yeah, what’s up?” Ï need you to check a few things for me” Me following him back to the tables they had on the opposite side of the new line. Each small pile had a paper on it. Each paper had what needed to be checked on the cells in that pile. Me: “So that Burr check that’s the one with the camera thing right? You want me to save all those?”..... Um, k.... AM I QC? burr check is something we literally do every morning on a microscope not a camera thing.... and yes we always save it wouldn’t it be better if I asked him what to save it as so he can find it later? ..... i also forgot anything he told me right them and had to feel my way through which piles he actually needed checked (I checked them all for everything on the page on top of them because of uncertainty). I felt soooo stupid. Like hey you want me to do a job but I don’t even know my name right now..... sigh
I got it done.... but i don’t want to get to a point where I can’t do it because I can’t figure out how..... as it is i think I used the wrong measurements because it didn’t look “normal” but there weren’t any real burrs to measure either so I’m not too worried about it.
I wish I could just text Wendy like I so Jerry. I hate making calls this early. I don’t know where she is… which # I should call. Is she already in a bad mood… am I gonna cause her to have a shitty day? is she going to try to guilt trip me that they had a bad day yesterday because short staffed or some other guilt inducing reason. (just now I could have argued with someone that inducing was spelled with an e.... and 2 c’s.... :( ). I hate this mostly because I try. I get up and get ready for work, take meds, get breakfast, I even put food in my lunchbox. Then I sit and hope the sickness calms. If it does I go to work if it doesn’t I call out because nothing is going to do it that I can do at work. I need a nap/harder drugs.
Done. sigh
I want to go back to sleep but it didn’t do shit yesterday. I eventually woke and did dishes and laundry. Today every thing is caught up and I’m not tired. Just motion sick and blah. Put the food back and go play video games on my phone in the bed. Probably end up with a nap.... hopefully be back up before Justin’s @7.....if not try again for 9....
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