The bats have left the bell tower in Hello.

  • Feb. 16, 2014, 12:56 p.m.
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You know, if there's one thing I hate, it's internet drama. I joined a group on Facebook last week, an 'adult' group shall we say. I wasn't really THAT active on there, truth be told, but it was quite good fun to be able to let my hair down and swear, gripe and get things off my chest without my family seeing it.

Because of the nature of the group, there is a disclaimer pinned at the top, saying that some of the things discussed may not be to everyone's tastes, so please don't report, just scroll past and contact admin. But some people WERE reporting stuff, meaning that some members were being blocked from Facebook. Annoying. But because of this, the group has decided to set up a new page. In order to get in the new group, you have to post your dashboard to the wall or send it to admin to prove that you haven't reported them, then you can request to be in the new group. I'm sorry, I'm not sending private information from my page to a stranger. I feel like I'm being treated like a child and it was giving me a headache, so I've decided to just leave. No FB group is worth that much stress!

I know one of my PB friends is a member on there and they're happy with the situation, so no hard feelings meant there, hun!

This afternoon I got fed up of watching the kids looking at tiny screens all the time, so I dragged them out to the park for a walk. The weather was lovely and really I should be practising for the sponsored walk (32 miles! In five weeks time! Eeep!) but the kids needed to get out too. We have this 'in joke' that whenever we go for a walk, we have to get a photo of someone doing a catalogue pose. This is me and Shellie doing one years ago: This is my girls doing one today. sigh We flew a kite. Without a coat on! Well I kept mine on. John kept trying to pull his hood over his face and I was pulling it back off. He's a bad bugger. I's so attractive... You'll notice Rob is missing from these photos. He preferred to sit in his room with the curtains closed. He's 18, what can I expect?

John had to go to work at that point, but I took the lasses to see my parents. They decided to wrestle on the sofa. The girls, not my parents.

Did I mention I'm doing the 32 mile sponsored walk again next month? Well I am. And I haven't done a single solitary ounce of training. I went out for a walk with my dad a few weeks ago, but I sprained my ankle a few days later and was out of commission for about 3 weeks.. Then I got a horrible cold and, while I'm still wheezy, I'm not that bad that I can't do at least some training. I'm at work all day tomorrow, but between that and the cross stitch kit making, I'm going to be very busy these next few weeks!

I also have my tattoo booked in for next week. I'm really excited about it! Last time, I didn't know what to expect, so was a bit of a wreck. I ended up taking valerian to calm my nerves a little. I don't think I'll bother with that this time. I don't want to share what I'm getting done until I've had it done, needless to say, it's going to be very special and unique. Knowing how much I like tattoos, John bought me this Valentine's card: Innit nice? I was a bit of a crap girlfriend. I dropped hints about cards and presents, then didn't get enough time to buy him anything because I had a deadline to hit with the cross stitches. So the next morning I bought him a bunch of roses, made him a card and took him a Danish pastry and a cup of tea to have in bed. I think he was happy after that!

My dad and I have put our names down to be guided walk leaders. We have to attend a meeting about it next month. It was dad's idea that we put ourselves down to work as a team, because he can drive, has map skills and knows the Lakes really well, whereas I have experience of giving guided walks. If that pans out, should be a good experience.

Mum of Yum February 16, 2014

Being a walk leader is really cool, I used to lead the buggy walks here. (I miss that actually) Is that the park near Emmy's?? It looks very similar, I have pictures of me and Emmy on the swings there!

Babe In Toyland Mum of Yum ⋅ February 16, 2014

No, it looks like it, but this one is my My Home Town, about 8 miles away.

Loopy Hooky February 16, 2014

I've been there from the beginning though hun, I've formed some really strong bonds in the group and my heart was leterally breaking seeing what was happening to people - the admin especially, 2 of whom I consider real friends now. We all have to do what we're comfortable with at the end of the day and maybe if I made a habit of reporting stuff I wouldn't have been so happy to share my "no posts" screenshot, but as it was I had nothing to hide and felt justifying my innocence was worth it to be a member of the new group It turned out I didn't even have to PM admin my screenshot in the end, Graeme added me anyway, but like I said, we've struck a friendship over the last month or so and I think he's a great kid.

Babe In Toyland Loopy Hooky ⋅ February 16, 2014

Yeah, it's different for you. I just didn't feel comfortable sharing that info with people I didn't know. Like I said to you on FB, I felt like I was being treated like a child and I wasn't happy about it. It's too much of a headache to carry on with, it's been drama, drama, drama since I started there! Thanks for the add, I appreciated it, but I don't want to stay there if it's like that all the time. They seem like a nice bunch on the whole.

Loopy Hooky February 16, 2014


Bomb Shell February 16, 2014

Lovely card! Have you decided whereabouts you're having your tattoo yet?

Babe In Toyland Bomb Shell ⋅ February 16, 2014

Yep, somewhere round the top of my left arm, depending on the size. Either top of my arm, on the shoulder or front or back of that shoulder. I'll let Ollie have artistic licence, I trust him!

~Twinkle~ February 17, 2014

Gorgeous weather yesterday wasn't it? X

Mel April 09, 2014

I am booked in for my first Tattoo next week and am a total wreck already!!! What CAN i expect?? How was it for you? Mel

Babe In Toyland Mel ⋅ April 09, 2014

I won't lie, it does hurt, but after about ten minutes it stops hurting and just becomes bothersome. Both my tattoos took 3 hours and I'm still wanting more! ;)

Mel April 09, 2014

Where on your Body is your first Tattoo? I am having mine done on my lower left arm. Really really nervous.....but can't wait to see the end result....

Babe In Toyland Mel ⋅ April 15, 2014

My first tattoo is at the top of my right arm, my second one on the back of my left shoulder. The bonier the area, the more it hurts. And the underside of your arms. Ouch!

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