The norm. in Second 1st

  • Dec. 10, 2018, 3:45 a.m.
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For some stupid reason or another I have put off paying bills for 2 weeks and for only the second time in 2 years the light bill is late..... I’m gonna do that after this entry (and 5am HITS on Mturk).

I had an okay weekend at work. Did the same job all weekend. Saturday night I had gone to bed with a head ache because of a situation I perceived to be highly stressful and nearly the promise that I would have to do it Sunday. Woke up Sunday with the same headache and within about 10 mins of waking I had a bloody nose! I was dizzy too but it wasn’t so bad I couldn’t get to work. After the first hour or so when I started to realize they weren’t going to have be do some amazing 3 person job myself I started to calm down. The dizziness went away and the headache let up.

Friday, I took the letter from my doctor to my Supervisor, who took it to HR. i was stuck with an idiot so I listened to music most of the day. I would say I got a good 10 hours of music out of my hearing aid before it died. My phone was down to like 11%. All in all that’s not too bad. So, I planned on adjusting the time I use it but on Saturday I ended up with a talkative someone I like and barely turned it on at all :). Sunday was a mix and I played it maybe 3 hours total. I’ve already been told “I’m jealous.” By 4 people and I’ve reminded each one that I’m going deaf in that ear. It’s not a maybe, in fact I have less hearing in that ear now than I did in March. It’s a thing so.... in exchange I get music until I can’t anymore. When looked at it from that side they don’t want it so much.

Rocky did the weekend dishes yesterday when he got home! :) Unfortunately, either they didn’t all fit or he ate afterwards because now there is like 1/2 a sink full. I suspect that Sammy fixed himself something after I went to bed and then there is the plastic container from yesterdays lunch.... I’ll get them this morning.

I’m trying to revamp my schedule to fit more with Rocky’s new one. After him working nights our whole relationship it’s being difficult to find the right time to do things. I still get up early but now the morning doesn’t feel like mine anymore. Well, that’s an odd way to say it because I always do household obligations in the mornings. It’s just that him on nights would be sleeping and after he went to work was “me time”. Now that he’s days I still do house stuff but he’s home during “me time” and it’s not the same. It’s because stupid things like.... if I’m listening to music too loud he will turn the TV up. If he wants to go somewhere we go.... instead of working on LAX....

Plans for today, for some reason I feel rushed. Like I have to hurry through things.... I think it’s just a reflection of the thoughts above. I want to watch some 100 today and I’ll do that as soon as Sammy leaves the house. Meaning everything I would normally do should be done by 11ish. This also means my $10 a day goal on Mturk, which is moving terribly slow this morning. i’ve got to run to the store some time today and get a few things. I also have to decide what I’m feeding mom and her husband who are coming over to help with some small house projects. I’ve got to pay bills this morning. Then it’s wait around till Sammy leaves … probably get in some time on LAX. HITS on Mturk 7,9,11,1,3,5,7, 9..... unless I find something good and make my goal early enough. shrugs the norm.

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