Up early - two for the price of one in Lists
- Feb. 13, 2014, 9:15 a.m.
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- Public
Three in the am.
Well not exactly up, but awake.
Trying to decide whether to:
- write my seven fifty
- take a bath
- work on the Agri News sudoku
- watch a Paladin on youtube - they're all there - or maybe some Seinfeld.
I cooked supper the last three days:
- Monday - brats and hearts of romaine salad dressed with olive oil and cider vinegar
- Tuesday - Italian sausage,frozen corn - on separate sides of frying pan, and another salad
- Wednesday - .ham, sliced from a ready to eat block, warmed and seared in said frying pan with sliced potatoes and another rendition of the salad.
Tonight I'm planning hamburger, pork and beans dressed up a little with ketchup and more salad. I'm planning so well that I even have some ground beef thawing in the fridge. I don't anticipate it will be thawed enough to pattify but I think I can cut it into thick slices and fry it up.
Jim and I and Gracie went for a short walk last night when I got home - just over to Kosbaus, but that's a start. I had planned to do some walking on breaks at work. It's warming up and I have a friend who walks on breaks I might be able to link up to. She's the grandmother of the kids of the guy I used to work with at my other job. Nice woman.
Deleted user ⋅ February 13, 2014
Having someone congenial to walk with is always good. HOw is hte job going in general? I look at the workers here in BigW, which is a branch of WOolworths, one of our 2 magestores, and I am not sure how I'd go. They seem to stay tidier than I htink I woul din the shelf-filling type jobs that they mainly do. I think the checkout would be stressful for me, but they only seem to do 3 hoursor so on a shift .. if I get the sack I may apply for a job there.
woman in the moon Deleted user ⋅ February 14, 2014
The job at big W only lasted about a week. I had also applied at a manufacturing job in a town in a different direction. I'd worked there part time in addition to my old old job in the years before 2000. I went back to work there - better hours, better pay and more enjoyable work. My probationary period is up March 16 and I hope they keep me. I assume they will.
My time at Walmart was interesting and I"m thinking of writing a tell all entry about it - without offending management. Not sure it will happen though.
Thank you for your interest. Always.
jamez ⋅ February 13, 2014
I haven’t cook much for a while, but I had the opportunity last night, turkey mushrooms pepper and broccoli stir-fried in black-bean souse; with rice of course! Tonight it’s peppered stack with chips [know as fries in some places] and perhaps more mushrooms. I think if you eat you should cook …..
Beret ⋅ February 13, 2014
I may have found a new friend/neighbor to walk with soon. I hope that works out. It's nice to have someone to walk and talk! NG bought a package of brats and it was way too much for one person and he ended up eating them for almost a week. I think he has had his fill of brats.
RoseS ⋅ February 13, 2014
It must be time to set the clocks again... light early and the birds are rowdy. We've been cooking too... must be the time of year.
thesunnyabyss ⋅ February 13, 2014
Gangleri ⋅ February 13, 2014
woman in the moon Gangleri ⋅ February 14, 2014
Sometime - I do it between midnight and 5 am because my internet has unlimited downloads then - go to youtube and find paladin - or have gun will travel. All the episodes are there arranged by year and number. Try one out and let me know what you think. One of the sexiest men ever.
Gangleri woman in the moon ⋅ February 14, 2014
Oh, the tv show. I was thinking holy warrior knight in shining armor kinda paladin.
NorthernSeeker ⋅ February 13, 2014
Your dinners sound good.
woman in the moon NorthernSeeker ⋅ February 14, 2014
Jim won't eat a lot of stuff and I'm trying to simplify yet do something. No wheat, etc.
NorthernSeeker ⋅ February 13, 2014
btw, I'm impressed that you took the meat out for dinner.
Florentine ⋅ February 13, 2014
3 am?! I consider that the middle of the night. My toddler doesn't always agree, though. :)
I have ground beef thawing in the fridge, too, along with some ground lamb. I'm going to make meatballs.
Sugar Magnolia ⋅ February 13, 2014
One day as I was cleaning out the fridge on trash day I was horrified at the amount of food I buy and don't cook and then throw out. I've been trying to eat what I have now which usually involves cooking. Blech.
Tick Tock Tick ⋅ February 13, 2014
You're cooking! I am Impressed! Good for you! You are a dynamo. I notice the hours you keep. Be careful on your drive to work.
noko ⋅ February 15, 2014
I expect I'll be up at that time more often now that I am getting older. Can't remember the last time I cooked a "real" meal. I do cook. But just one thing at a time.