Ice Ice Baby in My Unpredictable Life ...

  • Feb. 10, 2014, 4:57 a.m.
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  • Public

Give you three guesses what I'm going to write about? LOL


How my night at work is going ...

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Snow, Snow, Snow

Figured I'd better shovel when it started coming into the foyer and preventing the door from closing properly

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After Shoveling

I got lucky and it is the soft, light, powdery type of snow. But still. I hate shoveling

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Mad Skillz

And no, I was not shoveling the whole walkway. There is just enough of a path to get to their car.

Technically it is not in my job description to shovel. There is no verbal agreement that I should shovel. There is no "understanding" that if it snows, I should shovel. But since I have to go out there to smoke, I'm going to make it safe for me to do so.

Besides, it looks good on my part by "taking initiative and going above and beyond her duties." Take that Tami! Now if I can just muster up the strength to mop these damn floors.

Have I mentioned that I hate snow?

We did have some freezing fog Sunday morning. I have never experienced that before. It left some pretty cool effects all over everything. I call them "Ice Spikes" lol
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I'd love to capture a lot of these images with my big camera but I am so scared to bring it out in these sub-zero temps. I don't want to risk messing it up. Especially when I bring it back inside from the cold. I'm just worried that the moisture will hurt it. So y'all will have to just deal with crappy iPhone 4 pictures instead lol

Apparently our little rinky-dink town decided we needed an Arena Football Team. Dafuq? Why? Ok, whatever. Right?

Guess where said Arena Football Team is staying? Yep. Here. We have 13 rooms full of them. Twelve rooms have 2 players per room and one room is for a Coach. The best part? They are getting the rooms for free. The hell? Why? A few local restaurants have made arrangements for the players to eat free at their establishment also. Must be nice.

Aside from some voice volume incidents, and slamming doors, they have been model guests. I've had to threaten to bring out my wooden spoon only a few times so that is good. They seem to be a good group of guys. No excessive cussing, no grabbing their "bits" while walking around. No loitering. No loud music. No wild parties. Only one room has been getting a "booty call". As far as I could tell, she only stayed in the one room and no other players entered/left. But then with 2 guys in the room, maybe she didn't need more? I just hope it stays this calm till June. Because that is how long they are staying here. For free ....

Well, I guess this isn't getting my mopping done. At least I will work up a sweat to warm these cold bones of mine up. Today, I should sleep well. Should being the operative word. Guess we will find out. Depends on if Hubby has cleared the driveway before I get home or not ...

Till next time ....

🌻StillJustMe🌸 February 10, 2014

Good for you, taking the initiative...LOL! Happy snowy days to you!

OneSassyLadyNKY 🌻StillJustMe🌸 ⋅ February 11, 2014

Wishing me Happy Snow Days is not very nice! LOL You are supposed to wish me lots of hot, burning sun to melt all the snow! lol

anyahs February 10, 2014

Ugh I'm tired of the snow already too!!! Good initiative with the shoveling though! Hope someone took notice and appreciated it!!

OneSassyLadyNKY anyahs ⋅ February 11, 2014

Joleen, the owner's Mom thanked me for doing it but it's hard to trust her sincerity so ... lol

JadedAngel68 February 10, 2014

I hate snow too YUCK!

OneSassyLadyNKY JadedAngel68 ⋅ February 11, 2014

I'll double that YUCK! lol

Chic Chat February 10, 2014

Love the fog ice. That is wicked cool!

Gosh you are a good employee. If I owned my own business I would die to have someone like you. Especially nowadays when there are so many lazy ass people who dont appreciate their jobs.

OneSassyLadyNKY Chic Chat ⋅ February 11, 2014

It was awesome to look at!

So, open your own business already and move me there! LOL

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