perfection in A new era

  • Feb. 10, 2014, 9:11 a.m.
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I hated sundays for a long time. I don't even know why, I work shifts, I can't even say I have that back to work blues thing going on.

sundays now are usually waking up with john, hanging out at a local coffee shop reading the paper, drinking tea for me and coffee for him, and generally chilling. sunday evenings are cuddles and chats in front of a film that we've finally agreed on between us!

tonight, john is visiting his uncle's cousin or somesuch, so i'm having some me time, call the midwife, followed by a league of their own, the American women's baseball film, it's one of my all time faves and I've just discovered it's on lovefilm instant! I might even be super exciting and do some Sudoku, cos that's just how I roll! not just any regular Sudoku though, the times' samurai Sudoku, five Sudoku squares that interlock.

then a lovely chat with my boy before he goes to bed, knowing I have the whole week off, and he has just a three day week, having taken two days off for my birthday at the end of the week!



Loki February 10, 2014

  • sundays are the worst day of the week. ugh. but today is rather different. cinema night- and the birthday of tom hiddleston xD
Deleted user February 10, 2014

Lovely. Enjoy :) xx

The Tranquil Loon February 10, 2014

nice! enjoy the laylow.....

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