week 4 day 3 in my challenge

  • Feb. 6, 2014, 4:40 p.m.
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ok yesterday was the worst workout i've done this whole time. my legs were a mess from the previous day. i'm not really too happy with my output. i had to take it light and i couldn't get the best workout for the rest of my body. but i can say that the muscle mass is getting pretty crazy, i wasn't even aiming for that. but i've got the v forming on my arms, which it hasn't been that way for a while. nice to see. i had to hit up a body shop before work today, my shoulders and legs were a mess. shoulders the good kind, legs just a continuation of tuesday's retardedness. my calves, shins, and feet have been begging for death. got a 30 minute rub down on them at the place near my apt (so glad i found out they open up at 7am). those tiny chinese ladies know what they are doing, even if they are laughing at how big my feet are. i thought they woman i had was trying to kill me, but after i left i started feeling better and better. there's a little soreness still but its normal amounts for working out. too many knots and tension i guess. i may hit them up again if the tension returns. my shoulders feel like they've finally relaxed after years of being tensed up. i'm a little tired because i slept poorly last night due to soreness. i'll be fine though, i should sleep pretty good tonight.

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