Back to work and PSP in 2014

  • Feb. 12, 2014, 4:35 a.m.
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I couldn't delay it any longer and have had to return to work today :( I am much better and perfectly capable of being here but it doesn't make me like it. I am still grotty and snotty. On the plus side at least they know I haven't been faking though cause I still sound (and look) totally gross. Not helped by the fact that I have NO energy and therefore couldn't be arsed making myself look presentable and am wearing a big baggy jumper and a skirt that doesn't really go with it. I'm going for comfort here.

I just remembered that some people are doing a DITL entry today and I've never done one before so I had planned to join in. I totally forgot though. I was sort of hoping to do it today because I thought I would be well enough to go to roller derby today and it would be a bit more interesting than "and then I went home and watched TV for 6 hours" but I doubt I will skate tonight anyway. I don't think exerting myself would end well. So perhaps I will do the DITL entry next week. I'm sure that will be riveting for you all. Mmmhmm.

I have to say I am inspired to write much more now OD is officially gone and we're all here on PB doing our thing. Its nice. I guess I didn't really talk about the final OD countdown, but it happened when I was in Cardiff with my lovely friend Christina who I met on OD. I'm glad I wasn't just at home, doing nothing. It was nice to be with someone who got it, and who I was with because of it. But I am glad its done with now, instead of just floating around all sad and broken.

Speaking of Christina, her (and my!) distaste for the phrase TTC has led to the spawning of the phrase Productive Sex Parade (PSP) which I will now be using when referring to my quest to fill my womb with baby spawn. I suppose with the old "book" function here on PB I could just put it all in one separate book so you don't have to look at it if that sort of thing irritates you. I've never separated things out before though, I've just used it to separate things in time rather than categories. So I'm not sure. I totally get that its not something everyone wants to hear about or even gives a shit about, and thats absolutely fine, but its a pretty huge thing in my life right now. I have a lot of feelings about it, good, bad and generally confused, and I would like to write about them I guess. I appreciate that anything could happen but I am really excited about the prospect of actually ovulating and having a chance to get pregnant, and all I can think about at the moment is babies and pregnancy. So its hard NOT to write about it here. I think its mostly the novelty of it at the moment, normally I have been more preoccupied with trying not to get knocked up, ha.

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