Laundry is DONE! in My this and that

  • Feb. 14, 2014, 10:41 a.m.
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Today I am thankful that I won't have to do any laundry again for at least a week, maybe two if I play my cards right.

The house was fumigated, and now there is the residue everywhere. I was advised to leave the residue where it is, so that if there were any eggs, they have time to hatch and walk through the chemical and die. Over a week I need to leave it... which makes putting my house back difficult.

I don't want to put things in the cupboards before I clean the cupboards, and that needs to wait. I decided to put my clothes away, because... well I just need to have some semblance of order.

Slowly getting the house in order. We are going through EVERYTHING and getting rid of what we can part with. This whole ordeal has just made me realize how much stuff we have! I have a hard time parting with things though.

Today is officially Valentine's Day. Ben and I have decided to wait until Tuesday to celebrate. We will be going to a movie, maybe out to eat... we will see. Tonight we will spend the night unpacking, and reorganizing and all of that jazz.

I do wish we had some sort of plans for the weekend though; which reminds me! I have a concert (Brian Doerksen) on Sunday that I need to find volunteers for. Nuts. Completely forgot. I hope I can find enough people to help me!

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