Updates about nothing in Current Events

  • Oct. 27, 2018, 2:58 a.m.
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It is embarrassing when I have a moment and just whine like a spoiled brat. I just feel so much better for bit. I at least go numb to what hurts me.
Want to know something weird? I got a haircut and have no reason to take a selfie. I quit social media. I go out to eat and don’t feel a need to take a pic of my meal. I do miss that feeling of taking photos of pretty things that I come across on my day to day. Also I keep unlocking my phone out of habit. There is nothing there for me to do. I don’t play games. I don’ need a smartphone.
I cut back on the exercise because it was a coping mechanism and became unhealthy for me. It was a huge time sucker and an obsession. I would stand in front of the mirror half naked and just hate myself. Who would have thought that it would mean that my body would have more time to build muscle? I’m finally starting to look more cut. Maybe I’ll post progress photos.
My regional manager called me and asked to have a meeting with the business owner in regards to the Operations Managers indiscretions with his employees. So there I was sitting with the man who signs my bosses check and then the man who signs his. I was indimidated about being in their presence but I know that I am doing the right thing. They just invested 3 million on new stores coming up and the man they count on to install operators is a Harvey Weinstein.
It took all year to go through all my possessions and pack up what I don’t need. When I first moved out on my own I wanted to fill my life up with stuff, stuff and more stuff. The prettiest stuff I could find. I basically went minimalist. I actually experienced heartache when I donated it all but when I sat at my desk later that night I had no clutter. I could breath and I felt so light. I don’t need stuff in my life that I don’t use. I kept my furnishings, electronics and a couple books that I have yet to finish. I still have my paintings that I want to sell or gift. I actually woke up with the urge to paint again.
I completed half of Christmas shopping and even wrapped them last night. Can you believe? I hate feeling financially stressed in December so instead of racking up debt during the holidays like most of the people in my life I will be cleaning mine up. I’ll be starting 2019 off debt free. Debt free… the only thing I managed to succeed at this year. I’ve come a long way from 2015’s nervous breakdown.

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