You're One Of Us Now Micheal! in Dreams And Nightmares

  • Oct. 11, 2018, 12:55 p.m.
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The Lost Boys is on in the background. There was a theory that Peter Pan was a vampire. Hence this film’s title.

I slept like shit last night, in that lucid twilight half awake half asleep state.

One involved me rescuing the Johnny 5 robot from those Short Circuit movies from men with guns in some underground facility where we flew, yes flew, through some ruins to escape into the sun light unscathed. Whatever.

The other involved an old bisexual acquaintance of mine named Sam (Samantha) and her new gal pal. I was filming them in some amature porn and was annoyed I didn’t get to participate. The guy the unnamed female was with called it prostitution and left. Dream ended with us getting a phone call that he purposely drove down the wrong side of the road and killed himself. Indeed.

The new job has me coming in at four AM, yes that early, for training. The pay is a bit short of what I’m used to and not climate controlled IE: no AC. However, I really like it and for the time being I get off at twelve thirty PM but by the time three PM rolls around I’m fucking exhausted. After training I’ll be moved to twelve thirty PM till nine PM. Not too bad but can definitely feel the heat come afternoon hours.

Anywho, I’m going to head off to IHOP for some food in a few. Ugh I’m tired.

Last updated October 11, 2018

magicstar October 14, 2018

I hope you don't have to train long! Getting up that early and trying to maintain any sort of schedule is a nightmare. I used to have to get up at 3:40 to catch a train into a coffee shop job (when I lived in NYC) and it was a nightmare.

I've never actually seen the Lost Boys and I don't know how/why...

J.E. magicstar ⋅ November 10, 2018

You're missing out. Great vampire flick.

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