Swear It Was A Movie in Dreams And Nightmares

  • Oct. 3, 2018, 11:57 a.m.
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I was in a posh, nicely decorated room with a group of people I had just met. The details are lost to me, this was a few days ago and has stayed with me. Things escalated quickly and found myself running away with them giving chase. Came out in a courtyard with ten foot high gates enclosing rhe area so jumping over them was out of the question. I ran for another building that had glass doors and through them I could see the police. I began to bang on the doors screaming for help but by then someone had come out the other side and dismissed the cops. It was then I realzied I was at an asylum for the criminally insane and I was trapped.

I spent a good hour looking up films that take place in an asylum because this had to be a movie. Nope. The only thing that comes to mind is an episode of Tales From The Crypt. Guy answers an ad in the paper for a Shakespeare theater group. One thing leads to another and realizes they want to kill him. As he tries to run away he comes across the lobby for an institution where the bodies of the staff lay. He’s caught, beheaded and skin flayed. His skull was used as the part of Yorrick. That episode stands out because the main psycho was played by John Astin of Addam’s Family fame. Holding up the bloody skull, “Alas poor Yorrick…“

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