? in Second 1st

  • Oct. 8, 2018, noon
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Up early like always. I started taking CBD oil last night. I’m hopeful it will help with the motion sickness I feel all day. The steroid shots doing seem to be doing anything for that. Nor does this essential oil concoction a friend at work gave me. I planned on sleeping in today based on the CBD oil but… here I am. It didn’t taste bad and I don’t expect an overnight fix. I’m unsure if I will continue though because last night I woke twice gasping for air. The last time that happened was when i got my gall bladder out and mom was there.... she said I stopped breathing then would wake gasping.... she thought it was from the sedative. The nurse had told her it was normal and it passed but it was scary enough to mention. Didn’t bother me except it kept waking me.

I went to bed all ready to do this passive aggressive thing today right? I wake up and someone has made my green tea and done dishes. Rocky ran the washer last night. I had left the nearly empty bottle of laundry soap turned over in the washer. I’m glad he did but now I’m all hopeful. It’s taken a bit of air out of my tires ya know? Not completely.... and the more I think about it .... well it’s still okay if I do. you did dishes and laundry once? oooo… look at all the things I did today alone. lol Let’s see how long I go before I do have to do something for someone else.... I mean I already get to put the cloths in the dryer because even though he ran the wash .......you know…

I plan on getting pretty this morning and taking new profile pics. Then I’ll got get groceries and I’m thinking of trying cookies today.... or this week at least… there is laundry to do of course and i’d like to finish the crappy book today.... so I an start the last book in that series. Which will likely be crappy. Then I’m either gonna need a break from reading or something to cleanse the palette so to say.

I’m a tad groggy this morning.... nothing coffee wouldn’t fix.... oh yeah.... fuck this shit.

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