Shiny chrome in A mish mash of entries

  • Feb. 9, 2014, 12:19 a.m.
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I use Google Chrome - I can't even remember why I abandoned Internet Explorer now, but I did. One of Google Chrome's features is that you can display quick click links to your most visited websites. These show (on mine) as eight rectangles - miniature web page images. OpenDiary is one of them and it looks for all the world as if it's still alive and kicking.

Despite knowing, without a shadow of doubt, that clicking on that link will get me the message, "This webpage is not available" I still click. What I don't understand is why my icon page on Google Chrome's opening page doesn't update to that unwelcoming message too. Then I'd delete it... but as it is (out of misguided sentiment?), I am leaving the reminder of how OD used to look on there. The good thing is that ProseBox has now also made its way into the set of eight - a reminder to check in here at least sometimes :).

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