Want My Young Body Back in Hello
- Aug. 24, 2018, 9:58 a.m.
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Court was today…er technically Thursday as it is Friday morning. Another continuation. Lawyer said he’s arguing my case with the prosecutor to get me to walk. Well then, after getting my possession charge dropped he’s worth every damn (expensive) penny.
After work on Wednesday my left knee started hurting bad. I thought that I had shifted too much weight on it standing all night and that I’d be fine in the morning before court. Nope. Worse. I limped into the courtroom in a nice suit hunched over like a police beaten black man. I was going to spend the day afterwards laying on the couch doing nothing but I stretched out before trying to nap and it sent a shockwave of pain through my leg. Immediately called my doc and was seeing him within twenty minutes (they closed in an hour.) X-ray is fine but when he applied pressure to one spot and I whimpered like a dog he determined it to be tendonitis. Steroid shot in the butt (to which his nurses laughed at my groaning of, they know I hate booty stabs), an anti inflammatory drug and an amazing opiate that dulls me more than Xanex did and I’m actually feeling tons better. Still feels stiff to fully stretch or bend but no pain.
Spent the night after that leg elevated in my recliner, high on the pills, eating a pizza dinner and watching the Goonies. When it went off I hobbled to bed and read a few hours. Finished my Knights of the Old Republic Star Wars book that ended very depressingly. Dark Side prevailed. Time to start my Terry Brooks books that I ordered on Amazon. I need to stay out of thrift stores. I find one book in a series (this time it’s the Magic Kingdom of Landover) and finish it and suddenly I HAVE to have the others.
Anyways, it is almost five AM and I’ve been slipping in and out of consciousness for a while now, wanted to swing by and chronicle this.
Last updated August 24, 2018
Tempestuous1 ⋅ August 25, 2018
Here's hoping the charge gets dropped!! Sorry you're in pain. Getting old is hell! Hope you feel better.
Moon Garden ⋅ August 28, 2018
I feel that way too about books. My boyfriend bout me The Sandman Overture deluxe edition and now I need to re-read all The Sandman comic collections!
J.E. Moon Garden ⋅ August 30, 2018
I only have read the first three Sandman books but loved them.
Honestleigh ⋅ September 05, 2018
My husband is a big Terry Brooks.
Thrift stores while fun and awesome are the devil. Lol