Almost there in My this and that

  • Feb. 10, 2014, 3:13 p.m.
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Today I am thankful for a hard working husband. He makes me want to work harder myself. What a good example he is, and a great leader.

I got home on Friday after work and immediately started packing up while Ben made us a delicious stir fry for dinner. After dinner (and an episode of Murdoch Mysteries) I packed up a bit more before we headed out for a games night. We were originally going to hold it at our house, but thankfully we were able to relocate.

Games night was fun! We actually watched the opening ceremonies of the Olympics, which I quite enjoyed. As well we watched some slope style? Or whatever it's called.

I stayed up very late that night. After we got home at 1:00 a.m. I made some popcorn and watched a movie. I think I figured the longer I stayed up, the more I'd sleep in, and the longer I could put off doing all the work that I knew was ahead of me.

So after some sleep I awoke at 9:30 a.m. and got straight to work again. I worked for about an hour then took a breakfast break and made chocolate chip pancakes, our favourite Saturday breakfast. After breakfast (and an episode of Murdoch Mysteries) we got to work again. We worked fairly hard until my parents stopped by around mid-day. We loaded up their car with about 20 loads of laundry, and then we all went for coffee. I have taken Tuesday and Wednesday off work so that I could head to my parents to do all this laundry.

Coffee was a nice break. We got home and worked a bit more before stopping for lunch/dinner. After that I took a two hour nap and then we headed off to bowling with Patrick and Anna, and Filipe and Alejandra. Bowling was GREAT fun, and for a while I completely forgot about what was going on at home, which was nice. After bowling we went to Filipe and Alejandra's for some Killer Bunnies, which they seemed to enjoy.

Sunday morning I slept again until 9:30 a.m. which is when we got up for church. After church we went to Ben's mom's where we met some more family for lunch. Ben's bro and his wife, and their baby just got back from 2 weeks in Cuba so it was nice to see them. We loaded about 10 more loads of laundry into their truck, as they live near my parents and they were willing to drop it off for me. We didn't stay long at lunch because I was anxious to get home. I wanted to get everything completely finished last night, so tonight I could just vacuum the corners and be done.

That didn't quite happen. We worked VERY hard for about 6 hours. We got the whole living room done, and the spare room is complete. The kitchen has a few things left. A drawer and some food I kept out because we still need to eat... and boxes that just need to find an out-of-the-way place by tomorrow. The bathroom isn't done, but I figure I'll just chuck everything into the tub and that will be good enough. And our bedroom. The closet and dressers are all empty, but there is still some stuff that just need to be boxed up, and we still need to sleep in there so it looks pretty normal still... we'll rip it apart Tuesday morning before I leave.

So tonight I just need to finish up. I'm making a run to drop a few things off at Salvation Army. I figured this is the perfect time to purge, but then I realized I didn't have time to purge... just gotta get things ready. So when we start putting stuff back, I'll take the time to get rid of all the unnecessary stuff I don't want around any more. I am actually kind of looking forward to that part.

I'm still slightly stressed... and I think I will be until I'm back home after this whole ordeal and can start putting my life back together. I've noticed in the past when I've been in the middle of moving and my house is in disarray I feel more uncertain and stressed... I think it's because life just feels so messy and unstable when the house is messy and unstable.

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