he's not the only one who needs clarity in The Wonderland Years: 2014. Done. april 1, 2014 in Evan

  • Aug. 1, 2018, 10:11 p.m.
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‘ This new format is really damn annoying I don’t like it at all. it used to be you’d have the page and at the top was like. the font bar thingy [I have no idea what it’s actually called] and then there were 3 buttons for where you wanted your entry like the middle, left or right. and then what colour. and all that.

and now it’s on the side and the buttons aren’t visible. yeah not a fan.

ok so. on to my actual entry. um. oh the ‘he’ in the tile being Evan. yeah so yesterday during our talk I was telling him what he needs and what I think would really help him and what’s helped me. [he’s not in a great place right now]. one of the things he needs is clarity.

yeah and he’s not the only one. I’ve been that way too lately. I want clarity on what’s going on w/ my ex. but until I - and I hate to say ‘get past’ but yeah - that fear that won’t happen.

and I want clarity on what Evan wants. I’ve detailed this in recent prior entries.

so yeah. ‘

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