Hellish Search (October 4, 2013) in Old OD Entries

  • Feb. 6, 2014, 10:50 p.m.
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Ugh, the past three days have been a bitch.

Karla's birthday is on the 14th of this month and I have been searching for the perfect birthday present. I started to think about it and I came to the conclusion to get something Harry Potter related...the girl loves Harry Potter.

I searched for some HP related stuff and they had HP jewelry and I thought that was a great idea. So my original idea was to get her the deathly hallows pendent necklace....I look all over the place and they had good ones that I wanted to get her but the fucking delivery takes forever!

I got on the phone with a couple customer service people to see if there were any deliveries that were before fucking October 31st. Yea bullshit. I told them cost wasn't an issue, but they argued with me and were like we only offer standard shipping. I swear they pissed me off. Really!? You can't ship it to me faster? This is America! If you will pay for it it will be done. Ha, whatever.

I started looking for something else to get her that was HP related.

I found this awesome time turner necklace and I had to search the cold depths of the internet to find a company that would deliver the fucking thing in a decent amount of time.

I finally settled on one and I am so happy. I love buying things for people.

This is the one I settled on. So what do you think? Will she like it?

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