New Job and No Sunlight (June 1, 2013) in Old OD Entries

  • Feb. 6, 2014, 11:31 p.m.
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Okay so after I got home from school I moved right in with my sister Andrea. Like I said before I didn't want to deal with the drama at home. I guess the time apart will do me some good.

I got to sit on my ass for about five days after getting home. I put in applications and with a little pushing from my brother in law I got a job at M-Tek. I pretty much just check car parts for defects and fill out production reports and sometimes work on the line with the other workers. I work 12 hours a day 5-6 days a week so I will most likely not be updating regularly until I go back to school in August.

The people there are really nice to me, especially my supervisor. In a week I have become one of the best workers there and I am loving the large paychecks. Since I don't pay rent or anything at my sisters house I can save all of my money. So yea I am going to get that apartment and have spending money throughout the year. I am just glad that I won't have to ask my mother for anything.

The cons of the job are the fact that I get whistled at by the guys who drive the fork makes me pretty uncomfortable but I just ignore it. The biggest con is the fact that the actual work itself is very tedious. I am just on my feet for hours and hours checking parts and filling out fucking boring. Also, my feet and back hurt all the time. It really sucks sometimes. Another thing is that I am tired all the time. I am still getting used to the job but I will manage.

Another thing is since I work from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. I barely get to enjoy summer. I don't see the sun at all. It really sucks. I don't get to see my friends much and I don't get any personal time. By the time I get home from work I am too tired to go outside so I sleep the day away and go back to work. I guess it will all pay off in the end though.

Hmm, what else....

I don't think there is really anything else to tell. Just work and sleeping for me and maybe some free time on my days off. Well I hope everyone is well. Bye.

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