The Anticipation is Killing Me (May 1, 2013) in Old OD Entries

  • Feb. 6, 2014, 10:26 p.m.
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So I have taken my math, english, and history exams. I think I did really well on my math and english ones, however my history exam could go either way...I am just hoping for the best. Three exams down and one to go.

I had to get up at 7 a.m. to get ready for my history exam that was at 7:45 a.m. It was such a bitch to get up...I have been getting up at 8:30 a.m. for the past four months. I was just a zombie...I didn't even take a shower. I just put on some clothes and put up my hair and went to the exam.

I got back to my dorm and I passed out on my bed for three hours. The rest of today has just been pretty slow and boring.

I just can't wait to go home! I have two days left and they are just taking forever.

Soon I will be able to see my favorite faces again! :)

Pretty Girls photo CuteGirls_zps36101100.jpeg

From left to right that is me, my little sister, and my best friend Kate! Ugh my sister is notorious for that duck face. I miss them so much!!!

And my most favorite face...

Funny Face! photo 0401131927_zps1adf6e08.jpg

My baby nephew Nathan!...well he isn't much of a baby little toddler. I miss him the most. I'm coming Nathan!!! I love you!!!

God I am just getting so impatient. Tomorrow is going to suck because I don't have an exam. This means that I have nothing to do all day. The time will just go by so damn slow! Grrr.

Well I have my last exam on Friday. I am going to ace it. It is my psych exam and I am good with all the concepts in there so I am not worried about it.

Well now I just have to play the waiting game...

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