Busy Day (April 18, 2013) in Old OD Entries

  • Feb. 7, 2014, 4:20 a.m.
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Both of my classes were cancelled today. I was so damn happy. However, English is the one class that I actually look forward to but eh...I can live without it for a day. I was more than happy for my math lab class to go away.

I slept in and it felt so nice.

I still have a lot of work to do though. I have to revise a paper for English, finish writing my paper for Psych class...uh...what else....do my math assignment and study for the test tomorrow, and write the rough draft for the paper that is due Tuesday.

So yea a lot of things to do. I guess I feel like being productive...besides, I would have felt like shit pissing the day away sleeping.

Now what irresponsible person would do that haha.

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