Feeling Good in My Unpredictable Life ...

  • Feb. 8, 2014, 6:09 a.m.
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  • Public

It's a new dawn,

It's a new day,

It's a new life for me

And I'm feeling good

- Feeling Good - Muse

Well, apparently I am causing confusion left and right so I guess I need to fix that lol. If you haven't noticed by now, I have changed my display name, just a tad bit. Now don't go and confuse me with those that change their display name almost on a daily basis! I guess I should have done this from the get go, but in my defense, I wanted to keep the same name that I was using on OD so that my friends could easily find me (all 5 of you! LMAO). Now that everyone is here, and they all know the story anyhow, it is time.

So for you new diary friends, I actually live in Kansas and not Oklahoma. I DID live in OK for roughly 8 months so it wasn't a total lie lol. See this is what happened ...

Way back when, when I first started my diary over there, I was OneSassyLadyNSC because, well, because I was living in SC lol. Well then Hubby gets orders to Oklahoma. I arrived in OK on Jan. 3, 2011, after a 2.5 day drive with just me, The Child and The Dog (Hubby was stationed in Korea at the time). He joins us in Feb. In July he was informed he would be leaving in September for a 6 month desert deployment. We both called "bullshit" and he decided that it was time to retire. After 22 years, I couldn't blame him. In August his retirement was approved, he was offered a job with a Caterpillar franchise in Kansas, and we moved in September. That was 17 months ago. So the display name was long overdue. But, as I said, I wanted my OD friends to be able to find me here.

Now that OD is no more, it doesn't matter. It is a brand new day, a brand new start, a brand new display name (well almost LOL).

So Hi, my name is Sassy and I live in Kansas. Nice to meet you :D lol

And can I just state, for the record, that I effin' hate this mid-west cold!

I'm gonna piss myself flipping a light switch one more time and I'm gonna go postal ...

I'm gonna piss myself grabbing a canned item off the grocery store shelf one more time and I'm gonna go postal ...

I'm gonna piss myself when The Dog goes to lick me one more time and I'm gonna go postal ...

I'm gonna piss myself when The Child goes to hug me one more time and I'm gonna go postal ...

I'm gonna piss myself getting out of the car one more time and I'm gonna go postal ...

Ugh! I'm so tired of this static!!! I can't get rid of it to save my life! I have a humidifier running 24/7 ... I use extra dryer sheets when doing laundry ... I doubled up on the hair conditioner and hair goop ... I slather the body lotion on extra thick ... we have 6+ inches of snow on the ground (the crap fell from the skies for 4 days, off and on) so there should be plenty of moisture in the air ... but nope, I'm still full of static. It's getting to where it hurts when I touch things.

And my hands! They are getting worse. Ibuprofen helps a little but not much. They ache and they hurt so bad. My middle finger on my right hand "locks" into place when I make a fist. I literally have to pry it for it to straighten back out.

I think my thyroid is acting all hypothyroid right now. The only time I get relief from the body aches/chills/intolerance to cold is when I am soaking in a hot, hot bath. Which, yeah, my eczema is not appreciating, at all. Luckily the double/triple doses of lotion is helping with that, but it is still annoying. I tried skipping my hormone pill so that the hot flashes would help alleviate the cold issues but the night sweats were too intense so I had to go back to taking the hormone pill. I can't win for losing. And of course when I go see my doctor on the 18th, my thyroid levels will be normal levels. It'll be a case of the doctor telling me, "Suck it up southern east coast wimp!" Man, I would kill for some humidity right about now!

Of course the fact that yesterday (Friday) was the first day since Monday I think, that we finally reached double digits temp wise (a whole 15ºF). Wed and Thur the high was 6ºF. The single digit temps meant negative wind chill temps. Sub zero temperatures SUCK! And why does the wind have to blow? Maybe the cold wouldn't be so bad without the wind? Stupid effin' wind.

The Child: "Mom ..."

Me: "Shh!

The Child: "But ...

Me: "Shh!!!"

::: a few minutes later, after parking the car, and laying my head on the steering wheel ... "deep breath in, Sassy, deep breath out" :::

Me: "Now what were you going to say, Baby?"

The Child: "I was only going to ask why you sound like you are pooping while driving."


These damn roads will be the death of me yet. Luckily the other drivers are driving like they have common sense, and with caution. But the roads ... oh the roads ... my nerves can't handle the fishtails, the having to rock back and forth between drive and reverse to make a turn from a stopped position ... the wheels spinning/fishtailing trying to go from a stopped position at a stop light ... I may have to rethink the moonshine.

Well, my shift is almost over so I'm going to call it an entry for now. I can't wait to go home and put on my men's fleece pajama pants, long sleeve t-shirt, covered up by a too large for me sweat shirt and go crawl in bed, under multiple layers.

Hopefully I can convince the people wanting Girl Scout Cookies to come to my house this evening to get them. I really don't want to drive the 4/10 of a mile to my house to/from work, much less all over this rinky-dink town to deliver them. It would not be kosher if I came into work tonight drunk.

Till next time ....

B+ February 08, 2014

You and me both, with the cold and snow. I should have abs of steel from holding in my breath and stomach, as if that affects the lovely layers of ice under all those inches of snow.

My hands feel swollen all the time, and I've had to rub myself down with lotion thick, Carmex lotion (who knew they made it?!) on all my dry and raw skin. In the time walking from the lot to the building, it looked as if I'd been skiing all day long.

I'm ready for the wind and rain, and for launching the tornado sirens.

OneSassyLadyNKY B+ ⋅ February 09, 2014

Uhm, you can come here now for the wind lol

Chic Chat February 09, 2014

Your daughter cracks me up! Lol I can only imagine what that is like from her p.o.v.

I didnt realize we lived so close together. Although I must be honest with you Kansas drivers are the absolute worst! I swear they do not know how to drive. We got 10in on Tuesday and another 2 today. Im so sick of snow! And to help with your static boil some water. It really does help!

OneSassyLadyNKY Chic Chat ⋅ February 10, 2014

We live close? Cool! I'll have to try the boiling water but I have to admit that I'm skeptical since the humidifier isn't working like I had hoped lol

Chic Chat OneSassyLadyNKY ⋅ February 10, 2014

Yes, yes we do! I live in KCMO. About 10 minutes from Kansas...

I was skeptical too but it does help. Especially since it is so dry here this time of year it helps to have multiple humidifiers as well as boiling water. Or you could just suck it up. ;)

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